tidyverse / googlesheets4

Google Spreadsheets R API (reboot of the googlesheets package)
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Using googlesheets4 together with github actions without gs4_deauth #236

Closed relund closed 3 years ago

relund commented 3 years ago

Someone who have hints on using the package with github actions to access a private google sheet?

jennybc commented 3 years ago

This issue doesn't appear to be a bug report or a specific feature request, so it's more suitable for RStudio Community.

Other suggestions: googlesheets4 itself uses an encrypted service account token in its tests and this set up is documented in a gargle article:


The gmailr package uses a user token in its tests:


In general, you could probably turn up other examples of people doing googlesheets4 or similar auth in GHA by doing some targeted GitHub searches.