tidyverse / googlesheets4

Google Spreadsheets R API (reboot of the googlesheets package)
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Design question: other types of sheets API requests and access to CellData manipulation #268

Closed StatisMike closed 1 year ago

StatisMike commented 2 years ago

I am finding myself in a need of accessing the lower-level sheets API functions. Core functionalities of googlesheets4 are based on operation of tabular data.frame data. I guess it is a design choice?

I find myself more in need of cell manipulation and range data access.

Basically, the functionalities I need are regarding:

I've sucessfully created wrappers around these functionalities, and I am now pondering: is there a plan to incorporate these kinds of operations in googlesheets4 (I would be happy to join up on these with PRs!), or should I develop another package? As I am finding these kind of functionaties hard to incorporate into tabular and dplyr-y design.

To show what I mean: to create the chart it would be required to access CellRange level and develop few more structs to keep it all clean:

# create cell ranges to point to a data
datesRange <- CellRange(
  sheetId = 0,
  startRowIndex = 0,
  endRowIndex = 1,
  startColumnIndex = 1,
  endColumnIndex = 12

sentRange <- CellRange(
  sheetId = 0,
  startRowIndex = 1,
  endRowIndex = 2,
  startColumnIndex = 1,
  endColumnIndex = 12

clicksRange <- CellRange(
  sheetId = 0,
  startRowIndex = 2,
  endRowIndex = 3,
  startColumnIndex = 1,
  endColumnIndex = 12

CTRRange <- CellRange(
  sheetId = 0,
  startRowIndex = 3,
  endRowIndex = 4,
  startColumnIndex = 1,
  endColumnIndex = 12

# specify `BasicChart` with axis, domains and series components
basicChartSpec <- BasicChartSpec(
  chartType = "COMBO",
  legendPosition = "RIGHT_LEGEND",
  axis = list(
  domains = list(
  series = list(
      cellRange = sentRange,
      targetAxis = "LEFT_AXIS",
      type = "COLUMN"
      cellRange = clicksRange,
      targetAxis = "LEFT_AXIS",
      type = "COLUMN"
      cellRange = CTRRange,
      targetAxis = "RIGHT_AXIS",
      type = "LINE"
  headerCount = 1

# create ChartSpec object
chartSpec <- ChartSpec(
  chart = basicChartSpec,
  title = "Campaign summary for XYZ",
  titlePosition = "CENTER",
  subtitle = "Number of sends, clicks and click-through rate",
  subtitlePosition = "RIGHT",
  fontName = "Exo",
  maximized = FALSE

# and wrap it around in AddChartRequest
chartRequest <- AddChartRequest(
  chartSpec = chartSpec,
  embeddedObjectPosition = EmbeddedObjectPosition(
    type = "anchor",
    sheetId = 0,
    rowIndex = 14,
    columnIndex = 14

# Afterwards: send it out to create the charts:
gen_request <- googlesheets4::request_generate(
  endpoint = "sheets.spreadsheets.batchUpdate",
  params = list(
    spreadsheetId = "1yTJKa-EsVSEk6oNvdw7X7uxZ8vXySuCzEI0gWDbW1Po",
    requests = list(

resp <- googlesheets4::request_make(

With that kind of code I am able to create charts based on existing data in spreadsheet (one with basicChartRequest$maximize = TRUE):

StatisMike commented 1 year ago

UPDATE: I've began to develop package that allows for much more low-level manipulation (akin to what is seen above). I'm open to collaboration, merge or just sharing experiences. Didn't really know how to mingle the code to be compliant with style of googlesheets4, so no PR there

Development branch is up to date for now, main is much behind because some of its functionalities are already on production: https://github.com/StatisMike/deepgs4/tree/dev

jennybc commented 1 year ago

I think incubating these ideas in a separate package makes sense, especially since I can't work on googlesheets4 right now. But it would be great if you kept in touch, so that we can consider whether to bring that functionality into this package. Especially before doing anything like a CRAN release.

In principle, I'm interested in the idea, I just don't have the bandwidth to work on it right now. I think figuring out the overall interface for such functions is a nontrivial task. But the easiest way is to start working concrete tasks, like you are, and then step back and try to see what the general ideas are.

StatisMike commented 1 year ago

@jennybc I see Sheets as a great reporting medium: clients can easily copy, modify visually etc. all results from it. Without additional formatting, merging and chart possibilities it wouldn't be viable, though.

I will definitely be in touch, no CRAN release for it is on horizon yet - I plan to bind every Sheet object and request for it to be as elastic as possible 😀