tidyverse / tibble

A modern re-imagining of the data frame
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Tibble creation not inputting (or displaying) correct values #1568

Open hathawayj opened 9 months ago

hathawayj commented 9 months ago

The tibble creation changes the stats_time variable display to look like it goes through 2008. However, when the values are pulled it looks like they are the input values...

new_t <-  seq(2006, len = 2 * 12, by = 1/12)

    stats_time = new_t,
    month = rep(1:12, 2)
    ) |> print(n = 24)

    stats_time = new_t,
    month = rep(1:12, 2)

    stats_time = new_t,
    month = rep(1:12, 2)
    ) |> pull(stats_time)
krlmlr commented 9 months ago

Thanks. This is documented in https://tibble.tidyverse.org/articles/digits.html#trailing-dot . One could argue that there should always be at least one digit after the terminal dot, just to avoid this sort of confusion.

The reprex package is preferred for sharing examples, would have saved me some time to see the core of the problem. It's very easy to use and gives both the requester and the supporter an advantage:


new_t <- seq(2006, len = 2 * 12, by = 1 / 12)
#> [1] 2007.333 2007.417 2007.500 2007.583

df <- data.frame(
  stats_time = new_t,
  month = rep(1:12, 2)

df[17:20, ]
#>    stats_time month
#> 17   2007.333     5
#> 18   2007.417     6
#> 19   2007.500     7
#> 20   2007.583     8
as_tibble(df)[17:20, ]
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   stats_time month
#>        <dbl> <int>
#> 1      2007.     5
#> 2      2007.     6
#> 3      2008.     7
#> 4      2008.     8

Created on 2024-01-20 with reprex v2.0.2

hathawayj commented 9 months ago

Thanks. I worry about rounding it to a different number. I could see clipping it. Sorry about the reprex(). I appreciate that your responded without it.