tidyverts / feasts

Feature Extraction And Statistics for Time Series
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Add sign to level shifts? #142

Open raneameya opened 3 years ago

raneameya commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the amazing package. It's makes so much sense to have a *verse of time series packages that talk well with each other.

I'm trying to correct for level shifts in a tsibble, but noticed that the level shift was not signed. In the example below, would it make sense for the two outputs to have different signs?

tsbl <- data.frame(
  Date    = seq(as.Date('2020-01-01'), length.out = 100L, by = '1 day'), 
  Value1 = c(rep(0, times = 50L), rep(10, times = 50L)), 
  Value2 = c(rep(0, times = 50L), rep(-10, times = 50L))
) %>% 
  as_tsibble(index = Date)

tsbl %>%
  features(Value1, shift_level_max) # Expect shift_level_max = 10
tsbl %>%
  features(Value2, shift_level_max) # Expect shift_level_max  = -10

A slight modification to the existing function can allow for this possibility.

shift_level_max <- function (x, .size = NULL, .period = 1) 
  if (is.null(.size)) {
    .size <- ifelse(.period == 1, 10, .period)
  rollmean <- slider::slide_dbl(x, mean, .before = .size - 
                                  1, na.rm = TRUE)
  means <- diff(rollmean, .size) # get rid of abs(.)
  if (length(means) == 0L) {
    maxmeans <- 0
    maxidx <- NA_real_
  else if (all(is.na(means))) {
    maxmeans <- NA_real_
    maxidx <- NA_real_
  else {
    maxidx <- which.max(abs(means)) + 1L # include abs(.) in here
    maxmeans <- means[maxidx]
  return(c(shift_level_max = maxmeans, shift_level_index = maxidx))