tieniber / CellStyler

A Mendix widget for styling cells or rows a data grid
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Classes not applying #10

Open hartsr opened 2 years ago

hartsr commented 2 years ago

Hi all, I’m currently using this cell styler to change certain rows of my data grid based on the value of one of the variables within the grid. When a certain variable contains “COMPLETE” the row should be normal, when it doesn’t, it should be a different color.

I’ve managed to get the text color to change to “warning” using the below settings. image

However when I try to do the same thing but for the background, nothing happens. image

The above code changes nothing about how the grid looks.

Note: I am not trying to apply both of these things at the same time, I am deleting the first rule before I attempt the second. I only want to change the background of the cells in the selected rows.

I would assume that I should be able to put any of the Mendix styles (https://docs.mendix.com/howto/front-end/styles) into the “class to apply” box and have them work, but none of the background related ones work, and only a few of the text ones work. Is there an additional setting I need to change?

(I am using Mendix 8.18.2)

Many thanks