tientrandinh / Revisiting-Reverse-Distillation

(CVPR 2023) Revisiting Reverse Distillation for Anomaly Detection
MIT License
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Error on The Colab Example #15

Open Leminhhuy2386 opened 5 months ago

Leminhhuy2386 commented 5 months ago

Dears, I ran the example in colab and it has error as the attached image. Could you please check you code again? Thank you very much!


iulianzorila commented 3 months ago

You just have to do one minor fix. In the file utils_test.py and function compute_pro() change the following line: from binary_amaps = np.zeros_like(amaps, dtype=np.bool) to binary_amaps = np.zeros_like(amaps, dtype=bool)

def compute_pro(masks: ndarray, amaps: ndarray, num_th: int = 200) -> None:

    """Compute the area under the curve of per-region overlaping (PRO) and 0 to 0.3 FPR
        category (str): Category of product
        masks (ndarray): All binary masks in test. masks.shape -> (num_test_data, h, w)
        amaps (ndarray): All anomaly maps in test. amaps.shape -> (num_test_data, h, w)
        num_th (int, optional): Number of thresholds

    assert isinstance(amaps, ndarray), "type(amaps) must be ndarray"
    assert isinstance(masks, ndarray), "type(masks) must be ndarray"
    assert amaps.ndim == 3, "amaps.ndim must be 3 (num_test_data, h, w)"
    assert masks.ndim == 3, "masks.ndim must be 3 (num_test_data, h, w)"
    assert amaps.shape == masks.shape, "amaps.shape and masks.shape must be same"
    assert set(masks.flatten()) == {0, 1}, "set(masks.flatten()) must be {0, 1}"
    assert isinstance(num_th, int), "type(num_th) must be int"

#     df = pd.DataFrame([], columns=["pro", "fpr", "threshold"])
    d = {'pro':[], 'fpr':[],'threshold': []}

    ##########################LINE TO CHANGE##########################
    binary_amaps = np.zeros_like(amaps, dtype=np.bool) # change to "bool" instead of "np.bool"

    min_th = amaps.min()
    max_th = amaps.max()
    delta = (max_th - min_th) / num_th

    for th in np.arange(min_th, max_th, delta):
        binary_amaps[amaps <= th] = 0
        binary_amaps[amaps > th] = 1

        pros = []
        for binary_amap, mask in zip(binary_amaps, masks):
            for region in measure.regionprops(measure.label(mask)):
                axes0_ids = region.coords[:, 0]
                axes1_ids = region.coords[:, 1]
                tp_pixels = binary_amap[axes0_ids, axes1_ids].sum()
                pros.append(tp_pixels / region.area)

        inverse_masks = 1 - masks
        fp_pixels = np.logical_and(inverse_masks, binary_amaps).sum()
        fpr = fp_pixels / inverse_masks.sum()

#         df = df.append({"pro": mean(pros), "fpr": fpr, "threshold": th}, ignore_index=True)
    df = pd.DataFrame(d)
    # Normalize FPR from 0 ~ 1 to 0 ~ 0.3
    df = df[df["fpr"] < 0.3]
    df["fpr"] = df["fpr"] / df["fpr"].max()

    pro_auc = auc(df["fpr"], df["pro"])
    return pro_auc