tier4 / CalibrationTools

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standalone repo with rosbag simulation #185

Open ajay1606 opened 3 weeks ago

ajay1606 commented 3 weeks ago

@knzo25 Thanks helping us to solve previous issue.

We able to build and run as you suggested, but while trying as mentioned in the document (with sample ros bag) unable to see the tf tree as it mentioned in the document.


We are currently testing with feature/new_api_documentation repo. Should we need to publish senor TF seperately ?

Appreciate any hlep !

Platform: ROS2 Humble,

knzo25 commented 3 weeks ago

Without more information I would think the tfs are not being published. Whether they are / should be embedded is the rosbag depends on your pipeline

ajay1606 commented 2 weeks ago

@knzo25 Thanks for your response, actually we are trying to run with sample ros bag mentioned in the document. In that case also, do we need to publish tf separately ?

knzo25 commented 2 weeks ago

@ajay1606 That is weird as we have tried that before. Can you give us the output of:

ajay1606 commented 2 weeks ago

@knzo25 Sorry for the late response as I was out of lab for few days. I have carefully followed as it here

Tf tree lloks like this:




Still unable to see the tf tree in GUI. image

Also, able to see data publishing in the topic using ros2 topic echo but unable to visualize as getting warning like below; image

Any suggestions please ! Greatly appreciated.

knzo25 commented 2 weeks ago

@ajay1606 I just tried again in a different setup with a clean installation and work as expected. It concerns me that the "Not ready" label should not appear if the calibration services or the tfs are available.

I used: ros2 run sensor_calibration_manager sensor_calibration_manager ros2 bag play camera_lidar.db3 --clock -r 0.2

For reference, this is the output on my machine:

INFO:root:on_selected_calibrator: project_name=x2 calibrator_name=tag_based_pnp_calibrator
INFO:root:Reading xml from: /home/kenzolobos/workspace/calibration_ws/install/sensor_calibration_manager/share/sensor_calibration_manager/launch/x2/tag_based_pnp_calibrator.launch.xml
INFO:root:Closing calibrator selector view
INFO:root:Launching calibrator with the following command: ['ros2', 'launch', '/home/kenzolobos/workspace/calibration_ws/install/sensor_calibration_manager/share/sensor_calibration_manager/launch/x2/tag_based_pnp_calibrator.launch.xml', 'camera_name:=camera6', 'view_only_ui:=true', 'calibration_pairs:=9', 'calibration_pairs_min_distance:=1.5']
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/kenzolobos/.ros/log/2024-08-30-14-34-49-741211-dpc2304008-2541214
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [image_transport_decompressor_node-1]: process started with pid [2541235]
[INFO] [lidartag_main-2]: process started with pid [2541237]
[INFO] [component_container-3]: process started with pid [2541239]
[INFO] [tag_based_pnp_calibrator-4]: process started with pid [2541241]
[INFO] [image_view_node.py-5]: process started with pid [2541243]
[INFO] [static_transform_publisher-6]: process started with pid [2541245]
[INFO] [rviz2-7]: process started with pid [2541247]
[static_transform_publisher-6] [WARN] [1724996090.048749686] []: Old-style arguments are deprecated; see --help for new-style arguments
[static_transform_publisher-6] [INFO] [1724996090.052088354] [tf_broadcaster]: Spinning until stopped - publishing transform
[static_transform_publisher-6] translation: ('0.000000', '0.000000', '0.000000')
[static_transform_publisher-6] rotation: ('0.000000', '0.000000', '0.000000', '1.000000')
[static_transform_publisher-6] from 'pandar_40p_front' to 'lidar_frame'
[component_container-3] [INFO] [1724996090.285041897] [apriltag.tag_container]: Load Library: /home/kenzolobos/workspace/calibration_ws/install/apriltag_ros/lib/libAprilTagNode.so
[component_container-3] [INFO] [1724996090.377948555] [apriltag.tag_container]: Found class: rclcpp_components::NodeFactoryTemplate<AprilTagNode>
[component_container-3] [INFO] [1724996090.377992405] [apriltag.tag_container]: Instantiate class: rclcpp_components::NodeFactoryTemplate<AprilTagNode>
[INFO] [launch_ros.actions.load_composable_nodes]: Loaded node '/apriltag' in container '/apriltag/tag_container'
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.536203295] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: Use 40-beam LiDAR
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.536807011] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: Use 12 threads
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.537131537] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: depth_bound: 0.300000 
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.537380093] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: payload_size_: 0.800000 
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.537616544] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: horizontal_fov_: 360.000000 
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.537863012] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: vertical_fov_: 40.000000 
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.538097769] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: fine_cluster_threshold: 20 
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.538324615] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: filling_gap_max_index: 400 
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.538545769] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: points_threshold_factor: 1.500000 
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.538763473] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: adaptive_thresholding_: 0 
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.539005003] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: collect_dataset_: 0 
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.539241428] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: decode_method: 3 
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.539464769] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: linkage_hreshold_: 0.070711 
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.539678667] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: ransac_threshold: 0.080000 
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.539885787] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: num_accumulation_: 1 
[lidartag_main-2] =========================== 
[lidartag_main-2] use parameters from the launch file
[lidartag_main-2] =========================== 
[lidartag_main-2] ===== loading tag family ===== 
[lidartag_main-2] Preparing for tags: tag16h5
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.540724303] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: ALL INITIALIZED!
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996090.556962730] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: Waiting for pointcloud data
[rviz2-7] [INFO] [1724996090.746855734] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[rviz2-7] [INFO] [1724996090.746953378] [rviz2]: OpenGl version: 4.6 (GLSL 4.6)
[rviz2-7] [INFO] [1724996090.811872140] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996102.082155473] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: Got the first pointcloud. Starting LidarTag
[lidartag_main-2] [INFO] [1724996102.082258006] [lidartag.lidartag_main]: Analyzing LiDAR Device
knzo25 commented 5 days ago

@ajay1606 Was your problem solved?