tier4 / YabLoc

Open source visual localization for self-driving vehicles
Apache License 2.0
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Have problem when using Yabloc with own rosbag #63

Open StepTurtle opened 1 year ago

StepTurtle commented 1 year ago

Hey, great work! It looks very good. I hope it will be implemented Autoware soon.

When I tested the project, I encountered some issues. I followed the instructions in the README and ran the code, but I believe I might be doing something wrong. The algorithm is able to detect lanes, but the trajectory is following the wrong path. You can take a look at the trajectory image below:

Screenshot from 2023-06-23 14-09-36

The trajectory should ideally follow the blue line, but it seems to deviate as if there is a transformation error. I've also included a video demonstrating the problem. If you have any ideas or suggestions regarding this issue, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts.

I just changed image and image_info topics from yabloc.launch.xml and imu topic from twist_estimator_core.cpp. I think yabloc got all of the transformation values from tf_static, I would appreciate it if you correct me if I'm wrong.

Terminal commands I used:

KYabuuchi commented 1 year ago

@StepTurtle Please try setting the upside_down in this link to false. In my dataset, the IMU is usually attached upside down, so it is implemented assuming this. I guess the IMU is attached upright in your data, so the rotation estimation is broken.

Originally, I was planning to replace it with Autoware's twist_estimator, so YabLoc's twist_estimator has several flaws. I apologize for the inconvenience.

KYabuuchi commented 1 year ago

By the way, thank you for your interest in YabLoc. :pray: I will fix the IMU issue soon.

StepTurtle commented 1 year ago

I thank you for your great work, and for your response. Making upside_down false solved my problem almost.

Also I am sharing result image with you, if you want to see.

Screenshot from 2023-06-23 15-19-07

There is a little bit error in trajectory, but in my rosbag roads are not good enough. Maybe it cause the localization error, I am not sure.