tiernanmartin / COO-Displacement-Risk

An assessment of displacement risk
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Crosstalk: Switch to linked scatter plots and choropleths #10

Open tiernanmartin opened 7 years ago

tiernanmartin commented 7 years ago

Crosstalk implements a limited set of interactive options in htmlwidgets without relying on Shiny. This may be suitable for displaying maps and graphs side-by-side for each indicator. This would give a better method of comparison of groups of tracts, while also providing an opportunity to show the standard error (as an error bar in the scatterplot).

tiernanmartin commented 7 years ago

Crosstalk isn't currently working with sf-based leaflet maps: rstudio/crosstalk/issues/28

Edit: Actually, crosstalk is compatible with sf-leaflet maps, but it only works with point geoms right now.

tiernanmartin commented 7 years ago

The standard error needs to be included in the non-acs version of the data that gets passed to the mapping + graphing + table functions