tiernanmartin / NeighborhoodChangeTypology

Project: Neighborhood Change Typology for King County, WA
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Impose Data Reliability Threshold for Census-related Data #14

Open tiernanmartin opened 5 years ago

tiernanmartin commented 5 years ago

Tracts with no or extremely small populations should be identified and excluded from the analysis.

A reasonable threshold for King County might be 1,250 (total population) - which would exclude one unpopulated tract and one sparsely populated tract:

Total Population, 2007-2011


Total Population, 2013-2017


tiernanmartin commented 5 years ago

Note: this practice of excluding low-population tracts improves the reliability of the analysis.

See the table footnote on Ding and Hwang, "Gentrification and Residential Mobility in Philadelphia ", p 40