tierra / topicsolved

phpBB Topic Solved extension: Allows posting questions, and accepting answers as solved.
GNU General Public License v2.0
23 stars 19 forks source link

Category view, options are not respected #49

Open Spb8Lighting opened 8 years ago

Spb8Lighting commented 8 years ago


I have an issue when the forum is a category, the options are not respected (the one who permits to put text instead of an icon).

I think it is because we can't set option on this kind of forum, and so, with topic coming from sub-forum, we have default display option.

This issue is visible there : http://forum.spb8.lighting/viewforum.php?f=3

And the right result can be seem in the related sub-forum : http://forum.spb8.lighting/viewforum.php?f=8

Many thanks for your extension, it is very useful :)

PhpBB v3.1.9 TopicSolved v2.2.0

tierra commented 8 years ago

Interesting, I don't think I considered this case, but it's definitely an oversight.

Assuming you had different display options for a parent forum, would you expect each topic to use the display settings of the child forum it's in (even though it's being displayed in a parent forum), or for all sub-forum topics displayed in the parent to adopt the parent's display settings?

Spb8Lighting commented 8 years ago

I think it's better that parent option does not applies its own.

As the right content has been set on the child, it should reuse it as it given.

For my usage of topic solved, but also for search/sold sub-forum it will perfectly fit my needs.

Thanks for your quick answer, much appreciated :)

MikkCZ commented 7 years ago

What is the current status of the solution? I see this as last issue for 2.3.0 milestone, which should add support for phpBB 3.2 I am using.