tiffallen / COGS121

Strawberry Jam
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Milestone 2 Feedback #1

Open alok-sm opened 7 years ago

alok-sm commented 7 years ago

Leave the feedback as a comment below

nhasjim commented 7 years ago

Team 2 - GuoDaddy

No time so we couldn't give feedback

SLL6 commented 7 years ago

Feedback (4/10/2017)

Triton Guide We liked the idea that maps would be more informative than google maps centralized around the user's location. We think that this idea would help new visitors appreciate all the beauty that UCSD has to offer Suggestions -Perhaps consider small icon images for visual cues on the points of interests -Maybe add a feature to allow navigation from one place to another -consider the pros/cons of having it be UCSD-bound or a larger area

Storyboard #2 We liked how this idea catered towards a niche-set of users that would greatly benefit from using it. We this that this app could be a hit in popular dog-walking communities. Suggestions -May want to considered merging similar routes or only showcasing popular routes -It would be a good idea to differentiate this app from other similar apps with a new feature -Consider having a way to filter the difficulty of routes, so users can filter results -Maybe considered tracking your dog's health or stats -A feature to be able to meet up with other online users would be cool -Implementing a way to tag routes so that users could search for routes based on tags

Written by Team#1 Katsudon

alok-sm commented 7 years ago

TA feedback - Alok

I liked storyboard 1 - Having a real life persona explain something on a map would be cool

Board 2 by Stephanie Villalobos - Doesn't fb do this already?

Clairvoyantx commented 7 years ago

Board 1: Are all of the interesting places going to be input by yourselves or will it be a community effort? It'd be cool to be able to pull the main idea from an article rather than just the article itself.

Board 2: Fun storyboard! Maybe you could expand on the app to include more activities than just fishing (ex. geocaching, gold hunting, study spots, etc). Anything that would involve a group effort to find the best spots.

Board 3: Why is the map or geography an integral part of the app? After finding study buddies, a map isn't really needed to find those people, you can message them and ask them where they are or when they want to meet.

Board 4: This is a really neat idea, but how are you going to deal with two cars going to the same spot. How is the app going to be able to track down which spots are open? Does it rely on people having the app and checking off the spots they take?

Board 5: We like how this idea is targeted towards dog owners, the app has a specific audience. This app can be potentially very popular amongst pet owners. Suggestions and Comments: -This app may need a bit of crowd sourcing before the user will actually benefit from/enjoy it. -Might need more categories for the rating such as why this walk is better than another, for example this walk is too long (workout), this walk involves going through too many streets(feasibility), this walk isn't safe at night(safety), etc.

Board 6: This app is interesting as you can directly go to the events without having to look them up on Facebook. Suggestions and Comments: -This app may be difficult to implement as you would have to pull the data from their Facebook using Facebook APIs and link that data to a mapping service. -This is a good idea for an app, I would use it if you guys make this!

Feedback by 0xDEADBEEF

jpon1 commented 7 years ago

Team A4 Feedback: Storyboard 1: We think this a fun app for people visiting UCSD, like an interactive tour that you can see in museums. But we are worried about the appeal of the application for students who go to school everyday and other people who will never go to UCSD.

Storyboard 2: We are worried about the usage rate of the application, as there may be not enough people who are fishers or part of fishing culture.

Storyboard 4: Potential concerns could be abuse: What if someone pretends a spot is occupied to save themselves a parking spot? Also, how can real-time tracking be achieved?

Storyboard 5: Can the way the application tracks your progress be feasible for battery life and is the implementation feasible? We like the social component of being able to meet other dog owners.

Storyboard 6: We are worried about the usefulness of the application should facebook implement the features described.

Storyboard 7: One human element may be that if a person has a bad experience somewhere, they may not want to remember it and where they've been.