tiffany352 / rink-rs

Unit conversion tool and library written in rust
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Converting bytes to "GB" fails because GB is a timezone #129

Closed sersorrel closed 2 months ago

sersorrel commented 2 years ago

> 4 bytes -> GB
Cannot convert <32 bit (information)> to timezone GB

I don't really understand how the timezone stuff is meant to work because there's not a lot of documentation, but it would be handy for -> GB to work for this so I don't have to type Gbyte or gigaB every time.

Apparently GB is effectively another (obsolete) way of spelling Europe/London, except that rink rejects timezone names with a slash in:

> now -> Europe/London
No such unit Europe, did you mean europeanpoint?

I'm using rink 0.6.1 – I realise there have been a couple of releases since then, but I can't see anything relevant in the release notes, and given this is reproducible on the website I suspect it's still an issue.