tiffany352 / rink-rs

Unit conversion tool and library written in rust
GNU General Public License v3.0
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definition of parsec is wrong/outdated #155

Closed tiffany352 closed 3 months ago

tiffany352 commented 4 months ago

current value: 32313140071200 km IAU 2015 value: 648000|pi au ≈ 308567758149136.7 km difference: 4.7%

This unfortunately means that the length of a parsec in meters is an irrational number.

I'm not sure where the current value in rink came from, it might be the previous standard value from before 2015.

tiffany352 commented 3 months ago

I saw a few hits online searching for that value, but no clue on what the source of it was. Looking at old revisions of the wikipedia page doesn't give much insight either. In any case, the new definition was added in #157 and will go out in rink 0.8.