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Draft Law overview scraper #144

Open GeorgeLubaretsi opened 10 years ago

GeorgeLubaretsi commented 10 years ago

Issue by maartenmarx from Thursday Nov 28, 2013 at 09:10 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/tigeorgia/myparliament.ge/issues/6

Scrapes http://parliament.ge/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2840%3Alist-of-voting-records&catid=180%3Avoting-records&Itemid=5&lang=ge and turns it into a csv file like on https://www.google.com/fusiontables/data?docid=18xSIPIkkgWGrTuSaGRrEOSpXI5WZ71GC_03ZbBw#rows:id=1

Should be turned into a cronjob for automatic update.

Code is available at https://github.com/tigeorgia/myparliament.ge/tree/master/DraftLaws Issues are then:

1) How often do we want an update of this? 2) I don't think you can upload spreadsheets to Google autimatically.... 3) So where will we publish our automatically updated spreadsheet? 4) And more importantly: how do we communicate that to the outside world (including our interns)? So that they can find it (back).

5) Does TI Georgia have a policy on that? Is there a "serious" place for storing data? (Not DropBox I mean).

etiennebaque commented 10 years ago

Worked on a Scraper that gets content from the Google Spreadsheet, and creates an SQL file to be run on live DB, in order to update Draft laws.

Working on enhancements.