tigerAndBull / TABAnimated

A skeleton screen loading framework based on native for iOS. (一个由iOS原生组件映射出骨架屏的框架,包含快速植入,低耦合,兼容复杂视图等特点,提供国内主流骨架屏动画的加载方案,同时支持上拉加载更多、自定制动画。)
MIT License
3.37k stars 536 forks source link

swift 下使用animationN 方法失效 ivar_getTypeEncoding 类型取不到 #218

Open Ymuyangyin opened 1 year ago

Ymuyangyin commented 1 year ago

New Issue Checklist

Issue Info

Info Value
Platform Name e.g. iOS / macOS
Platform Version e.g. 12.0 / 10.14.0
TABAnimated Version e.g. 5.0.0 / 4.4.0
Xcode Version e.g. Xcode 11 / Xcode 10
Repro rate e.g. all the time (100%) / sometimes x% / only once
Repro with our demo prj e.g. does it happen with our demo project?
Demo project link e.g. link to a demo project that highlights the issue

Issue Description and Steps

Please fill in the detailed description of the issue (full output of any stack trace, compiler error, ...) and the steps to reproduce the issue.