tigersoldier / osd-lyrics

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Notes on installation, Debian Jessie #8

Closed thestumbler closed 8 years ago

thestumbler commented 8 years ago


I had to make some modifications to get this to build on my Debian 8 system. Just wanted to post this, in case anyone else runs into the same issue. When you first try to run autoconf in order to generate the configure file, you get a bunch of error messages. I was able to correct them by editing configure.ac and running several configuration commands.

  1. added this line to configure.ac AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) see Will Robert's reply #2 in this forum here
  2. Installed the xorg-server-source package based on the notes in the above thread (not sure this is necessary or not). I already had the other packages mentioned installed.
  3. Added this option to configure.ac: AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([subdir-objects]) see this forum thread here Actually, AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE is already in the file, so I just edited to add the new parameter: AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall -Werror subdir-objects])

After editing the .ac file, I followed the sequence of commands listed in the reference from #1 above.

$ libtoolize --force
$ aclocal
$ autoheader
$ automake --force-missing --add-missing
$ autoconf

Note: I still get a few of these errors: sh: 1: test: x: unexpected operator during the aclocal and automake commands, but it appears they can be safely ignored.

I then proceeded with ./configure, make, sudo make install as usual, with no problems.

My modified configure.ac file is attached.

lenoch commented 8 years ago


can you please try to build https://github.com/PedroHLC/osdlyrics/ (the forked upstream)?

Version 0.5 (in development) is the default branch there. Python is much more used in 0.5 (@tigersoldier has done this long ago) so some dependencies are gone while some more are needed.

You can refer to https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=osdlyrics-git to learn about the dependencies you may need to install on Debian:

depends=(dbus-glib desktop-file-utils gtk2 hicolor-icon-theme libnotify python2-dbus python2-chardet python2-gobject2 python2-pycurl sqlite)

thestumbler commented 8 years ago

Yep, that seems to help quite a bit.
The configure.ac file was still missing the macro-dir directive, but running

$ autoconf
$ autoreconfig -i

did the trick for me and created a workable configure file.

Still have those sh: 1: test: x: unexpected operator errors, but it is working now. Thanks.

lenoch commented 8 years ago

If you could isolate the file that caused the "unexpected operator" errors (used by aclocal/automake) we could fix them.

It seems sh is used instead of bash, as http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3411048/unexpected-operator-in-shell-programming suggests.

thestumbler commented 8 years ago

I'll try to check that and report back.

You mean I should actually run the install process from sh rather than bash? It's been awhile since I looked into this topic, but as I recall sh may be linked to bash on my Debian installation. I'll confirm and try to make it really point to sh.

I'm going to make a branch to add a special purpose lyrics output, basically sending the text over the serial port. This is the latest and correct branch to build from?


Sent from my android device.

-----Original Message----- From: "Ondřej Svoboda" notifications@github.com To: tigersoldier/osd-lyrics osd-lyrics@noreply.github.com Cc: Chris Lott rclott@hiwaay.net Sent: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 4:30 AM Subject: Re: [osd-lyrics] Notes on installation, Debian Jessie (#8)

If you could isolate the file that caused the "unexpected operator" errors (used by aclocal/automake) we could fix them.

It seems sh is used instead of bash, as http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3411048/unexpected-operator-in-shell-programming suggests.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/tigersoldier/osd-lyrics/issues/8#issuecomment-187855394

lenoch commented 8 years ago

I mean bash should be the shell aclocal/automake should call, not sh, as it lacks some of the syntax/expressions bash supports and is probably present in configure.ac.

Yes, https://github.com/PedroHLC/osdlyrics/ is the most complete osdlyrics repository. @PedroHLC has made a lot of effort to merge patches proposed for the original repositories and he is quick to respond to pull requests. I think it is worth adding a git remote pointing to his repository.

I am looking forward to your patches :-)