tiggersworth / budgeting_website

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income split page #189

Open tiggersworth opened 5 years ago

tiggersworth commented 5 years ago

As a budgeter I would like to put in my yearly or monthly income and get suggested amounts for each expense. I would also like to know ways that my budget may differ from the one given and more information about the factors that can make it different. And how to create my own budget.

tiggersworth commented 5 years ago

Acceptance tests:

  1. Budgeter logs into budget website.
  2. Budgeter goes to the home page and navigates to the income page
  3. Budgeter enter their income and clicks on the calculate button.
  4. Budgeter should see their suggested expense split.
  5. Budgeter after reading about how to tailor their budget to their needs, wants to create their own budget and scrolls down to the customize budget.
  6. Budgeter downloads one of the worksheets to create their own and uses the calculator if they need to do calculations.
  7. Budgeter sees some articles about financial success and getting out of debt, and clicks on them to learn more.