tighten / duster

Automatic configuration for Laravel apps to apply Tighten's standard linting & code standards.
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Adding custom Fixers to PHP CS Fixer #132

Open superbiche opened 10 months ago

superbiche commented 10 months ago

Hi again,

Hopefully this time it's not just me missing something: when creating the .php-cs-fixer.dist.php file in my project, it's picked correctly by Duster.

But I don't understand how to add custom rules: when adding Fixers following https://github.com/PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-Fixer/blob/master/doc/custom_rules.rst, I get a Class [class of custom fixer] not found.
This seems to be related to the packaging of Duster using Box, I guess it cannot use the global autoloader?

For now I forked the project, added the custom Fixers, and built it (btw a "How To Build" could help others) but I don't want to maintain a fork for just a couple custom Fixers.

Is there a way to "wire" local / project dependencies to the Duster binary ?

Thanks in advance

driftingly commented 10 months ago

Hi @superbiche, thank you for the feedback on these projects 🙌 I think you're right about the core issue here. I'll take a look to see if anyone offered suggestions to the Pint package that we might be able to use here. I might have some time this Friday to go through the issues you're running into.

There is https://github.com/tighten/duster/blob/2.x/RELEASE.md, which I rely on when releasing. I may need to link this in the readme.

superbiche commented 10 months ago

Hi @driftingly you're welcome, thanks for the work on this project, it's really helpful.

Oh OK, I missed the RELEASE.md, yes maybe linking to it in the README would help.

I don't know Box / PHARs enough but maybe there's a way to configure some external autoloader or composer.json that could be loaded during runtime.

Hopefully there's an easy way to solve this!

superbiche commented 10 months ago

I found this comment quite relevant to this issue: https://github.com/tighten/duster/issues/86#issuecomment-1464344027

Namespacing the project so the source code can be included like a regular Composer dependency - using source install - might be the shortest path to making custom fixers addition a breeze.
imo easier than trying to include external dependencies from a PHAR archive, but again, I don't know much about PHARs)

driftingly commented 10 months ago

Hi @superbiche,

I'm not sure changing the namespace will work because I still rely on classes under Pint, which will keep the App namespace. I made a quick test branch you can try at https://github.com/tighten/duster/tree/drift/change-namespace with the changes required. Can you pull this into a project to test whether this updated namespace works?

superbiche commented 10 months ago

Thanks @driftingly, I'll have to wait until I work back on a Laravel 10 project later this week in order to test this.
Will let you know as soon as I can give it a shot.

Joel-Jensen commented 8 months ago

Hi @driftingly, update on the test.

Installed the branch "tightenco/duster": "dev-drift/change-namespace"but sadly ran into the same problem as the author.

Class "Inly\DusterPresets\CustomLivewireOrderFixer" not found


use App\Fixer\ClassNotation\CustomControllerOrderFixer;
use App\Fixer\ClassNotation\CustomOrderedClassElementsFixer;
use App\Fixer\ClassNotation\CustomPhpUnitOrderFixer;
use App\Support\PhpCsFixer;
use Inly\DusterPresets\CustomLivewireOrderFixer;
use PhpCsFixer\Config;

return (new Config())
        new CustomControllerOrderFixer(),
        new CustomLivewireOrderFixer(),
        new CustomOrderedClassElementsFixer(),
        new CustomPhpUnitOrderFixer(),
        'Tighten/custom_controller_order' => true,
        'Inly/custom_livewire_order' => true,
        'Tighten/custom_ordered_class_elements' => [
            'order' => [
        'Tighten/custom_phpunit_order' => true,
driftingly commented 8 months ago

Thanks for testing @Joel-Jensen Looks like I'll have to come at it from a different angle.