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Add ability to search modules #507

Closed Luky72069 closed 1 year ago

Luky72069 commented 1 year ago

Sorry for being late with the task. I had a problem with starting the project, it took me a lot of time. Fuzzy search is implemented, but unlike the assignment, I did not use Alpine.js. I did it in Vue.js. If I wanted to complete the task in Alpine.js, I ran into a problem with the compatibility of these 2 frameworks (Vue.js & Alpine.js).

Luky72069 commented 1 year ago

Hi @TammyTee. I had and still have problem with login in locally, thats why i didn't see that wrong margin to buttons. I tried to resolve the issue with dropdown as you want, this is the best solution I tried that worked.

tammytee commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Luky72069! I'll take a look 👍🏾

MarcyLina commented 1 year ago

@Luky72069 This is looking great! My only note is that the dropdown could use a placeholder. "Search Modules" or something along those lines. Thanks so much for working on this!

Luky72069 commented 1 year ago

Hi @MarcyLina @TammyTee. I added placeholder.

darkboywonder commented 1 year ago

@Luky72069 Thank you for working on this. I went ahead and finished the styling.