first: this library is nice, saved me a lot of work, but I have found an issue:
My application which I use for the incoming sACN data (DMXControl 3) needs to have a working sequence number, otherwise it will not accept any sACN data.
I found a bug in this library, were the sequence number stays "0", even if the internal variable is updated - but the value in the byte array packet doesn't get updated?
Something to Note: It may be good to reset the sequence counter to 0 if it has reached 256 or something like this to prevent buffer overflow errors if the sequence is too high
Hi, first: this library is nice, saved me a lot of work, but I have found an issue:
My application which I use for the incoming sACN data (DMXControl 3) needs to have a working sequence number, otherwise it will not accept any sACN data.
I found a bug in this library, were the sequence number stays "0", even if the internal variable is updated - but the value in the byte array packet doesn't get updated?
Here the sequence number gets incremented: https://github.com/tigoe/sACNSource/blob/f9539b2907f5f3dc8eee89eb1949a58a41d0c8b9/src/sACNSource.cpp#L177
And here is the function for this - but the internal byte Array doesn't get updated: https://github.com/tigoe/sACNSource/blob/f9539b2907f5f3dc8eee89eb1949a58a41d0c8b9/src/sACNSource.cpp#L140
I made a quick fix:
See PR for the mentioned fix
Something to Note: It may be good to reset the sequence counter to 0 if it has reached 256 or something like this to prevent buffer overflow errors if the sequence is too high