tigrang / cakephp-datatable

JQuery DataTable plugin server-side processing component for CakePHP
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Pagination is not working for me #23

Closed luisillo26 closed 11 years ago

luisillo26 commented 11 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to get this great plugin work in my app but I'm facing an issue, when I click the pagination buttons, the response brings me the same data so i can't change the page. In the inspector I can see that the request is performing on every click.

Could you help me to get it work? Thanks in advance for you help!!!

This is my implementation:


class StatesController extends AppController {
    public $components = array(
        'DataTable.DataTable' => array(
            'columns' => array(
                'code' => 'Code',
                'name' => 'Name',
                'Country.name' => 'Country',

    public $helpers = array(

    public function index() {
        $this->DataTable->paginate = array('State', 'Country');


<div class="widget widget-simple widget-table">
    $this->DataTable->settings['scriptBlock'] = 'datatable';                    
    echo $this->DataTable->render('State');


foreach($dtResults as $result) {
    $this->dtResponse['aaData'][] = array(

an this is the value for dataTableSettings var that is being generated by the helper

var dataTableSettings = 
{"State": {
NEOSolutions commented 11 years ago

You should paginate only State model, but I'm not certain about this.

You are using 'bug-fixes' branch?

The Model of Cake would automagically know about country, and set that variable for you.


Lucas Freitas Consultor em Informática +55 51 8483-8242 / +55 51 3338-4832 lucas@lucasfreitas.com.br www.lucasfreitas.com.br

2013/1/18 luisillo26 notifications@github.com

Hi, I'm trying to get this great plugin work in my app but I'm facing an issue, when I click the pagination buttons, the response brings me the same data so i can't change the page. In the inspector I can see that the request is performing on every click.

Could you help me to get it work? Thanks in advance for you help!!!

This is my implementation:


<?phpApp::uses('AppController','Controller');class StatesController extends AppController { public $components = array( 'DataTable.DataTable' => array( 'columns' => array( 'code' => 'Code', 'name' => 'Name', 'Country.name' => 'Country', ), ), );

public $helpers = array(

public function index() {
    $this->DataTable->paginate = array('State', 'Country');


DataTable->settings['scriptBlock'] = 'datatable'; echo $this->DataTable->render('State'); ?>


<?phpforeach($dtResults as $result) { $this->dtResponse['aaData'][] = array( $result['State']['code'], $result['State']['name'], $result['Country']['name'], );}

an this is the value for dataTableSettings var tha is being generated by the helper

var dataTableSettings = {"State": { "sAjaxSource":"\/tms\/states?model=State", "bServerSide":true, },"Country":{ "sAjaxSource":"\/tms\/states?model=Country", "bServerSide":true }};

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/tigrang/cakephp-datatable/issues/23.

luisillo26 commented 11 years ago

I'm using the bug-fixes branch and already changed it to render the State model and it's the same.

A weird thing is that the string with the paging info is updating correctly, it shows me the _from # to # entries_ correctly

NEOSolutions commented 11 years ago

You are manually initializing the dataTable? You should inspect with Firebug or Chrome the request and see what's going on. Further information is helpful.

luisillo26 commented 11 years ago

Thanks for help me out! this are the params sent wit the request for the initial page ** 1358794272370_ bRegex false bRegex_0 false bRegex_1 false bRegex_2 false bSearchable_0 true bSearchable_1 true bSearchable_2 true bSortable_0 true bSortable_1 true bSortable_2 true iColumns 3 iDisplayLength 10 iDisplayStart 0 iSortCol_0 0 iSortingCols 1 mDataProp_0 0 mDataProp_1 1 mDataProp_2 2 model State sColumns
sEcho 1 sSearch sSearch_0
sSortDir_0 asc

and this is the response

{"iTotalRecords":83,"iTotalDisplayRecords":83,"sEcho":1,"aaData":[["AGS","Aguascalientes","mexico"],["AK","Alaska","usa"],["AL","Alabama","usa"],["AR","Arkansas","usa"],["AZ","Arizona","usa"],["BCN","Baja California","mexico"],["BCS","Baja California Sur","mexico"],["CA","California","usa"],["CAM","Campeche","mexico"],["CHI","Chihuahua","mexico"]]}

so when I click on the link to get the second page, it sends the folowing params:

** 1358794573381_ bRegex false bRegex_0 false bRegex_1 false bRegex_2 false bSearchable_0 true bSearchable_1 true bSearchable_2 true bSortable_0 true bSortable_1 true bSortable_2 true iColumns 3 iDisplayLength 10 iDisplayStart 10 iSortCol_0 0 iSortingCols 1 mDataProp_0 0 mDataProp_1 1 mDataProp_2 2 model State sColumns
sEcho 2 sSearch sSearch_0
sSortDir_0 asc

and the response is equal to the previous one except for the parameter sEcho

{"iTotalRecords":83,"iTotalDisplayRecords":83,"sEcho":2,"aaData":[["AGS","Aguascalientes","mexico"],["AK","Alaska","usa"],["AL","Alabama","usa"],["AR","Arkansas","usa"],["AZ","Arizona","usa"],["BCN","Baja California","mexico"],["BCS","Baja California Sur","mexico"],["CA","California","usa"],["CAM","Campeche","mexico"],["CHI","Chihuahua","mexico"]]}

I don't know what I'm doing wrong because ordering and Displaylenght are working as they should.

tigrang commented 11 years ago

Hey, did you ever resolve this? I'm using my plugin currently in a project and it is working just fine.

Which cake version are you using?

tigrang commented 11 years ago

Please re-open if you have questions.