tigrang / cakephp-datatable

JQuery DataTable plugin server-side processing component for CakePHP
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Building dynamic links in the view based on values from a separate unrelated model #51

Open salouri opened 10 years ago

salouri commented 10 years ago

Tigrang thanks a lot for such a great plugin. I am building "delete" links that are based on (if-conditions) data from another un-related model! Is there anyway to pass a variable/array from the controller to the Users/datatable/index.ctp view? One I try to pass such array I find it passed to the users/index.ctp instead (the normal way). But I really need this array to build the actions links for the $this->dtResponse['aaData']

One aside question please: how do you add css classes to the in the view? I'm not using the helper. (manually)


tigrang commented 10 years ago

For your second question, it's in jquery datatables documentation, I think in aoColumns setting.

If you use the normal $this->set('viewvar', 'data'); it should be available in the view file.

salouri commented 10 years ago

I solved my problem by creating an independent one-one relationship (hasOne) between the models which worked in my case (luckily). However, if such relationship could create unnecessary complications I don't know how would it be done then. The $this->set() sends those variables to the main view, while the delete link is being created in the datatables/view file as part of making the $actions variable (for 'actions' => null in the controller).

tigrang commented 9 years ago

The same action is called when a datatable request is being made, so variables set with $this->set() in your action should be available in the datatables/view