I first tried this with 12.4.4 but that failed and I had to factory restore because it would go beyond the point of being able to just exit recovery mode. I have my blobs saved for 12.1.3 and have set my nonce to match with the binary from Generator Auto Setter. From what I'm told 12.4.5's SEP is backwards compatible down to 11.3 on A8 devices which is what I have with my iPhone 6.
I don't know if this is relevant to my main problem but when I try to start from normal mode, it puts the phone into recovery mode and then throws this error:
futurerestore: failed with exception:
what=Unable to place device into recovery mode from Normal mode
commit count=29:
The phone is in recovery mode when it gives me this error which is strange. So what I do is from here is run the command again and it works. The problem is then I get this:
Found FUD component 'RestoreTrustCache'
Found FUD component 'StaticTrustCache'
Sending FUD image list
Updating baseband (19)
About to send BasebandData...
sending request without baseband nonce
Sending Baseband TSS request...
Request URL set to https://gs.apple.com/TSS/controller?action=2
Sending TSS request attempt 1... response successfully received
Received Baseband SHSH blobs
ERROR: zip_name_locate: Firmware/Mav10-7.80.04.Release.bbfw
ERROR: Unable to extract baseband firmware from ipsw
ERROR: Unable to send baseband data
ERROR: Unable to successfully restore device
Cleaning up...
what=ERROR: Unable to restore device
commit count=29:
Now I've read about this with the other user trying to go from 13.3 to 13.2.3 and tried to follow their personal solution of putting the 12.4.5 .bbfw inside the 12.1.3 Firmware/ folder but this only lead to me getting this error:
what=ERROR: Unable to extract BuildManifest from ios.ipsw. Firmware file might be corrupt.
I've tried every combo I could find of the command to make sure it wasn't a command problem:
I first tried this with 12.4.4 but that failed and I had to factory restore because it would go beyond the point of being able to just exit recovery mode. I have my blobs saved for 12.1.3 and have set my nonce to match with the binary from Generator Auto Setter. From what I'm told 12.4.5's SEP is backwards compatible down to 11.3 on A8 devices which is what I have with my iPhone 6.
I don't know if this is relevant to my main problem but when I try to start from normal mode, it puts the phone into recovery mode and then throws this error:
The phone is in recovery mode when it gives me this error which is strange. So what I do is from here is run the command again and it works. The problem is then I get this:
Now I've read about this with the other user trying to go from 13.3 to 13.2.3 and tried to follow their personal solution of putting the 12.4.5 .bbfw inside the 12.1.3 Firmware/ folder but this only lead to me getting this error:
I've tried every combo I could find of the command to make sure it wasn't a command problem:
I've tried to re-download the IPSW's in case they were corrupted but it didn't help.