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InstantAvatar: Learning Avatars from Monocular Video in 60 Seconds (CVPR 2023)
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Error on process-sequence.sh #60

Closed vrahnos3 closed 1 year ago

vrahnos3 commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for the great work. First I want to mention an error in process-sequence.sh file. In thιs line https://github.com/tijiang13/InstantAvatar/blob/4348c1e5a38627a8096d288072896e281577d4f5/scripts/custom/process-sequence.sh#L46 you run visualize-SMPL.py whith argument --pose $path/pose_optimized.npz but the file that is created is named pose**s**_optimized.npz. Maybe many people trying to run this script and occurs other errors that caused because poses can't be loaded. Secondly, even when I fixed it, the error with _proc still exists : Screenshot from 2023-11-08 12-15-35 I tried even to run it without --headless arg as mentioned in #21 and the result was that: Screenshot from 2023-11-08 12-19-06 Screenshot from 2023-11-08 12-19-30 Anyone know how to solve this?

vrahnos3 commented 1 year ago

I solved it just increasing the number of fps in this command https://github.com/tijiang13/InstantAvatar/blob/4348c1e5a38627a8096d288072896e281577d4f5/scripts/custom/process-sequence.sh#L46 According to this detail I managed to export the mp4 file. When I run it without --headless argument above error still exists.

tijiang13 commented 1 year ago

Hi Panos,

Sorry for slow reply as I have been quite occupied recently. Regarding your question, as can be seen here the pose_optimized.npz should be generated automatically before. If you can't find that file, please double-check if previous scripts are executed smoothly.

For headless mode I guess it's a separate issue. I'd suggest creating a clean virtual environment and checking if the problem is persistent.

Best, Tianjian

vrahnos3 commented 1 year ago

Hi Panos,

Sorry for slow reply as I have been quite occupied recently. Regarding your question, as can be seen here the pose_optimized.npz should be generated automatically before. If you can't find that file, please double-check if previous scripts are executed smoothly.

For headless mode I guess it's a separate issue. I'd suggest creating a clean virtual environment and checking if the problem is persistent.

Best, Tianjian

All scripts are running as well, I just mentioned that the file that is created is named poses_optimized.npz and in file process-sequence.sh you called it as pose_optimized.npz (without an s on the end of word pose).

tijiang13 commented 1 year ago

Hi vrahnos3,

Good catch, I skipped the visualization when I did the testing 🥲 Thanks a lot!

Best, Tianjian

tijiang13 commented 1 year ago

Now it should be fixed with ed554edd13876aa84d1bf169760bf64e51cf09fb

Thanks again for letting me know!

Best, Tianjian