tijmen / cosmosage

Fine-tune a 7B LLM on cosmology datasets
MIT License
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Open indiejoseph opened 5 months ago

indiejoseph commented 5 months ago

Your project is attempt to fine-tune a model with cosmology knowledge, and I checked your history, it seems you tried to overfit the QA dataset you generated and other SFT datasets, I wondered have you considered do a second pre-training with mistral or other base model, and then fine-tune with chat styled SFT dataset? Why I asking that because some people said fine tuning is a way to teach the model how to response to question/instruction, but the knowledge adoption is happening in pre-train stage, but we still find some projects are able to teach the model new knowledge via fine-tuning. But i was thinking overfitting the model with a lot of epochs, why not just do second pre-training and then fine tuning.

tijmen commented 5 months ago

cosmosage versions up until v0.3 used exactly this approach where I performed continued pretraining first on raw text completion, then instruct-tuned the model with QA pairs. However, since v0.4 I've switched to only QA-tuning. I find empirically that this results in a more knowledgeable model.

The latest model is at https://huggingface.co/Tijmen2/cosmosage_v1_gptq