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-Added support for allowing local login. #514

Closed gautamsawala closed 9 years ago

gautamsawala commented 9 years ago

-To add plugin support for the Local login postgres@debian$ psql poem < workspace/oryx-editor/poem-jvm/data/database/local_login.sql

-To add new users, use the following two statements,

Create a new user with id and uri identity table. (uri will be the username of the user) poem=# insert into identity(id,uri) values (id |int|, username |string|); Example: poem=# insert into identity(id,uri) values (17,'john'); The id must be a unique integer. Create a password for the user in the subject table. insert into subject (ident_id,first_login, last_login, password) values (id |int|, date |date|,date |date| , password |string|); Example: insert into subject (ident_id,first_login, last_login, password) values (17,'2014-02-02','2014-02-02','password'); The id values associated with the username (uri) and password in both the tables must be same.