tikv / sig-transaction

Resources for the transaction SIG
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Docs PRs should only require one LGTM #44

Open nrc opened 4 years ago

nrc commented 4 years ago

I’d like to propose that PRs to TiKV transaction code which are only documentation (i.e., only add or change comments and whitespace) only require one LGTM, not two.

Committers, please check your box if you agree, or leave unchecked and make a comment if you do not. As laid out in the governance decision making rules, the decision requires a simple majority, but consensus is preferred.

Check here if you agree

Check here if you disagree

andylokandy commented 3 years ago

PTAL and make your vote :) 🚀 @lysu @zhangjinpeng1987 @tiancaiamao @lysu @imtbkcat @AndreMouche @bobotu @cfzjywxk @coocood @disksing

disksing commented 3 years ago

Agree! (sorry I have no permission to check the box)

cfzjywxk commented 3 years ago

Agree! (sorry I have no permission to check the box)

andylokandy commented 3 years ago

Seems that we have come to quorum consensus~ Let's roll!

nrc commented 3 years ago

@AndreMouche do you have a suggestion for how to implement this in the bot?

andylokandy commented 3 years ago

@nrc it's already implemented in the new bot and we will hopefully finish the transition this month.