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write launch instruction with screen shots for azure #19

Closed thierrylahaije closed 10 months ago

thierrylahaije commented 1 year ago

For azure I have a small instruction on how to deploy the applications. This still needs to be tested since I have not worked with azure yet.


  1. Create an Azure account and sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. Create an App Service plan: a. Click on "+ Create a resource" in the Azure portal. b. Search for "App Service plan" and select it. c. Fill in the required fields, such as the subscription, resource group, and name for your App Service plan. d. Choose a pricing tier based on your needs and click on "Review + create." e. Review your settings and click on "Create" to create your App Service plan.

  3. Create an App Service instance: a. Click on "+ Create a resource" in the Azure portal. b. Search for "Web App" and select it. c. Fill in the required fields, such as the subscription, resource group, and name for your Web App. d. Choose the same region as your App Service plan and click on "Next: Docker." e. Choose "Docker Container" as the Publish option and select your Docker container registry. f. Choose the image and tag for your Flask app and click on "Next: Networking." g. Choose the appropriate settings for your networking, such as the hostname and SSL certificate, and click on "Next: Management." h. Choose the appropriate settings for your management, such as the deployment slots and monitoring, and click on "Review + create." i. Review your settings and click on "Create" to create your Web App.

  4. Set up deployment options for your Flask app: a. Click on your Web App in the Azure portal to open its Overview page. b. Click on "Deployment Center" in the left-hand menu. c. Choose your deployment option, such as GitHub or Azure DevOps, and follow the instructions to set it up. d. Configure the build settings for your deployment option to build your Flask app.

  5. Deploy your Flask app to the Web App: a. Commit and push your Flask app code to your chosen deployment option, such as your GitHub repository. b. Wait for the build and deployment process to complete. c. Access your Flask app by navigating to the URL of your Web App in a web browser.

thierrylahaije commented 1 year ago

What I need to test these answers are the following:

@hannesdatta could you fix this? If you need any help with this, please let me know.

hannesdatta commented 10 months ago

We've now launched on EC2. Everything works.