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Metadata missing #71

Open thierrylahaije opened 2 weeks ago

thierrylahaije commented 2 weeks ago

Some pages still need metadata:

krzysztof99xd commented 1 week ago

What do you mean by error handler?

Regarding topics, they are not specified in the article/topic per se, right? I can see that they are created under the fill_database() function. Did you notice some errors then? If so, where?

def fill_database(root_path):
    exclude = {'img', 'images', 'data'}
    path_to_id = {} 
    for path, dirs, files in os.walk(root_path):
        dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in exclude]
        level = path.count(os.sep) - root_path.count(os.sep)

Regarding contributors. what is the desired outcome? Would we like to have a contributor in every topic/article? I have been going through the files and actually a lot of them miss contributors. We can try to retrieve them by checking git blame.

thierrylahaije commented 1 week ago


  1. The error handler is the route in the flask app that handles errors for missing pages (@app.errorhandler(404))
  2. I did not have any errors with the database function. Topics indeed are not mentioned, they are done by the folders (from hugo before).
  3. About the contributors: if you want and think you can add this function, create a new issue and implement it. I think it is a great idea!