tilde-nlp / taws

Terminology Annotation Web Service
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Installation manual #1

Open marcmittag opened 4 years ago

marcmittag commented 4 years ago

Hello together,

is there a howto available, how to install this code?

In the documentation directory or files I did not find something about this.

Since this seems to be a project, that had public funding (I do not know, if I'm right) I would expect something like this.



pmarcis commented 4 years ago


I haven't been working on the project since 2013 so I won't be able to help you much apart from pointing you to other resources.

The documentation of the project is provided here: https://github.com/tilde-nlp/taws/blob/master/Documentation/TAWS%20Documentation.pdf

The documentation does not explain how to set up ASP.NET Web Applications. The project assumes that users (IT system administrators or web application developers) will have ASP.NET knowledge. Nevertheless, you can find tutorials by searching on Google for: "how to deploy an ASP.NET web application".

The project has been deployed on a Windows Server and has never been developed to run on Linux. So you will either have to get a Windows Server (or desktop) or expect to have issues (and sleepless nights) on Linux.

Note also that the project is a showcase and depends on external services that are not open source and not part of this project. I.e., the term recognition and term extraction services are provided by Tilde Terminology and if you want to deploy the service you will either acquire access to Tilde Terminology or you will have to integrate your own term recognition and extraction service to run the Terminology Annotation Showcase.

Best regards, Mārcis

marcmittag commented 4 years ago

Hi! Thank you for your fast answer. The information, that it is an ASP.NET application is enough regarding installation - thank you. Also thanks for the clarification, that the main components regarding term extraction and term recognition are not open source. That was not clear from the read.me to me. Those had been my main interest. best Marc

pmarcis commented 4 years ago


This project serves as an example of how to use ITS 2.0 for terminology annotation in HTML4 and XLIFF. That is what it is meant for. Also, it provides an example of how to provide access to ITS 2.0 annotated data in web-based user interfaces. Therefore, for term recognition and extraction, we used already available services and did not invent new ones.

Best regards, Mārcis

marcmittag commented 4 years ago

Yes, thank you, that became clear now. I was mislead by the information at https://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/ITS_Implementations#Tilde_TAWS about Tilde TAWS, which I interpreted as if the whole service that produces the output is open source, while only the usage of ITS in it is. Thank you for the fast clarification. best Marc