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limit the number of columns viewed at once in datasource inspector #1120

Closed springmeyer closed 12 years ago

springmeyer commented 12 years ago

With an osm2pgsql import you can end up with hundreds of columns. It appears that even if I modify tilemill's Datasource.server.bones to only show 100 features at a time, given the massive number of columns this hammers Chroms ability to render the grid. Basically what I'm seeing is that "ChromeRenderer" shows up as pinned at 100% and the grid is un-movable/hung. Chrome in general becomes ultra sluggish and requires a restart to perform well again. Perhaps there is a chrome bug or memory leak, but it seems important at least on the tilemill side to try to limit the # of columns show to something like 50/100.

Also, we currently limit the rows to 1000 - shouldn't this be something more like 200 ?

springmeyer commented 12 years ago

Here is the datasource that leads to this behavior (it is also the one that leads to the crash in #1119):

> ds.describe()
{ type: 'vector',
   [ -8310838.85,
     2298890.2 ],
  encoding: 'UTF8',
   { osm_id: 'Number',
     'IOM:project': 'String',
     'IOM_project_DRR:form_number': 'String',
     NOTE: 'String',
     access: 'String',
     'addr:city': 'String',
     'addr:flats': 'String',
     'addr:full': 'String',
     'addr:housenumber': 'String',
     'addr:interpolation': 'String',
     'addr:street': 'String',
     'addr:ward': 'String',
     admin_level: 'String',
     aerialway: 'String',
     aeroway: 'String',
     amenity: 'String',
     'amenity:police': 'String',
     area: 'String',
     attribute_source_date: 'String',
     attribute_source_name: 'String',
     attribute_source_type: 'String',
     barrier: 'String',
     barrier_bypass: 'String',
     'barriers:obstacle_description': 'String',
     bicycle: 'String',
     bladder: 'String',
     borehole: 'String',
     boundary: 'String',
     bridge: 'String',
     'bridge_base_material:concrete': 'String',
     'bridge_base_material:metal': 'String',
     'bridge_base_material:reinforced_concrete': 'String',
     'bridge_base_material:stone': 'String',
     'bridge_base_material:unspecified': 'String',
     'bridge_base_material:wood': 'String',
     bridge_type: 'String',
     building: 'String',
     'building_base_material:canvas': 'String',
     'building_base_material:concrete': 'String',
     'building_base_material:other': 'String',
     'building_base_material:plastic_sheeting': 'String',
     'building_base_material:pvc': 'String',
     'building_base_material:reinforced_concrete': 'String',
     'building_base_material:sheet_metal': 'String',
     'building_base_material:tent': 'String',
     'building_base_material:unspecified': 'String',
     'building_base_material:wood': 'String',
     'building_roof_material:canvas': 'String',
     'building_roof_material:concrete': 'String',
     'building_roof_material:other': 'String',
     'building_roof_material:plastic_sheeting': 'String',
     'building_roof_material:pvc': 'String',
     'building_roof_material:sheet_metal': 'String',
     'building_roof_material:stone': 'String',
     'building_roof_material:tent': 'String',
     'building_roof_material:tiles': 'String',
     'building_roof_material:unspecified': 'String',
     'building_roof_material:wood': 'String',
     building_status: 'String',
     cafeteria: 'String',
     'canal:obstacle_type': 'String',
     canal_banks_barriers_desc_left: 'String',
     canal_banks_barriers_desc_right: 'String',
     canal_banks_barriers_left: 'String',
     canal_banks_barriers_right: 'String',
     canal_banks_desc_left: 'String',
     canal_banks_desc_right: 'String',
     canal_banks_left: 'String',
     canal_banks_right: 'String',
     canal_base_material: 'String',
     canal_description: 'String',
     canal_roof_desc: 'String',
     canal_roof_extent: 'String',
     canal_type: 'String',
     capacity: 'String',
     'capacity:beds': 'String',
     'capacity:seats': 'String',
     'capacity:standing': 'String',
     cholera_affected_people: 'String',
     'classrooms:afternoon': 'String',
     'classrooms:evening': 'String',
     'classrooms:morning': 'String',
     'classrooms:night': 'String',
     clinic: 'String',
     construction: 'String',
     cutting: 'String',
     depth: 'String',
     disability_access: 'String',
     disused: 'String',
     doctors: 'String',
     drinking_water: 'String',
     embankment: 'String',
     'employees:afternoon': 'String',
     'employees:evening': 'String',
     'employees:morning': 'String',
     'employees:night': 'String',
     employees_non_medical: 'String',
     first_aid: 'String',
     flood_prone: 'String',
     'flood_prone:first_year': 'String',
     'flood_prone:frequency': 'String',
     'flood_prone:height': 'String',
     'flood_prone:impact': 'String',
     'flood_prone:informant': 'String',
     'flood_prone:rise': 'String',
     'flood_prone:water_clear': 'String',
     'flood_prone:water_detritus': 'String',
     'flood_prone:water_mud': 'String',
     foot: 'String',
     gender_access: 'String',
     'generator:source': 'String',
     'generator:source_others': 'String',
     geometry_source_date: 'String',
     geometry_source_name: 'String',
     geometry_source_type: 'String',
     health_facility_type: 'String',
     'healthcare:cholera': 'String',
     'healthcare_departments:ambulances': 'String',
     'healthcare_departments:general_medicine': 'String',
     'healthcare_departments:medical_laboratory': 'String',
     'healthcare_departments:operating_room': 'String',
     'healthcare_departments:others': 'String',
     highway: 'String',
     historic: 'String',
     horse: 'String',
     'id:db_ctc': 'String',
     'id:uid': 'String',
     'id:uuid': 'String',
     infirmary: 'String',
     junction: 'String',
     kitchen: 'String',
     landfill_authority: 'String',
     landfill_authority_other: 'String',
     landfill_height: 'String',
     landfill_length: 'String',
     'landfill_type:dumpster': 'String',
     'landfill_type:ground': 'String',
     'landfill_type:other': 'String',
     'landfill_type:pit': 'String',
     landfill_width: 'String',
     landuse: 'String',
     layer: 'String',
     learning: 'String',
     leisure: 'String',
     length: 'String',
     lock: 'String',
     man_made: 'String',
     'marketplace:alimentary': 'String',
     'marketplace:authority': 'String',
     'marketplace:covered': 'String',
     'marketplace:note': 'String',
     'marketplace:open_air': 'String',
     'marketplace:specialized': 'String',
     'marketplace:stands': 'String',
     marketplace_status: 'String',
     maxweight: 'String',
     military: 'String',
     motorcar: 'String',
     name: 'String',
     'name:en': 'String',
     'name:fr': 'String',
     'name:kr': 'String',
     natural: 'String',
     oneway: 'String',
     'opening_hours:afternoon': 'String',
     'opening_hours:evening': 'String',
     'opening_hours:friday': 'String',
     'opening_hours:monday': 'String',
     'opening_hours:morning': 'String',
     'opening_hours:night': 'String',
     'opening_hours:saturday': 'String',
     'opening_hours:sunday': 'String',
     'opening_hours:thursday': 'String',
     'opening_hours:tuesday': 'String',
     'opening_hours:unspecified': 'String',
     'opening_hours:wednesday': 'String',
     operational_status: 'String',
     operational_status_quality: 'String',
     operator: 'String',
     operator_id: 'String',
     operator_type: 'String',
     operator_type_other: 'String',
     organization_location_type: 'String',
     osm_timestamp: 'String',
     osm_uid: 'String',
     osm_user: 'String',
     osm_version: 'String',
     photo_name: 'String',
     photo_num: 'String',
     photo_url: 'String',
     pitlatrine: 'String',
     place: 'String',
     'place:area': 'String',
     'place:area_alternate': 'String',
     'place:description': 'String',
     'place:nearestlandmark': 'String',
     power: 'String',
     power_source: 'String',
     practicability: 'String',
     'public_adults:afternoon': 'String',
     'public_adults:evening': 'String',
     'public_adults:morning': 'String',
     'public_adults:night': 'String',
     'public_under18:afternoon': 'String',
     'public_under18:evening': 'String',
     'public_under18:morning': 'String',
     'public_under18:night': 'String',
     'pupils:afternoon': 'String',
     'pupils:evening': 'String',
     'pupils:morning': 'String',
     'pupils:night': 'String',
     railway: 'String',
     ramp: 'String',
     ref: 'String',
     registry_name: 'String',
     religion: 'String',
     'religion:denomination': 'String',
     residence: 'String',
     roof_status: 'String',
     route: 'String',
     'school:first_cycle': 'String',
     'school:preschool_cycle': 'String',
     'school:second_cycle': 'String',
     'school:third_cycle': 'String',
     service: 'String',
     shop: 'String',
     sport: 'String',
     status: 'String',
     store: 'String',
     surface: 'String',
     surface_condition: 'String',
     survey_information_access: 'String',
     'surveyor:GPS': 'String',
     'surveyor:email': 'String',
     'surveyor:name': 'String',
     'surveyor:phone': 'String',
     tank: 'String',
     tap: 'String',
     'telecom:internet': 'String',
     'telecom:land_line': 'String',
     'telecom:radio': 'String',
     'toilets:access': 'String',
     'toilets:basement': 'String',
     'toilets:cleaning': 'String',
     'toilets:durability': 'String',
     'toilets:emptying': 'String',
     'toilets:tank': 'String',
     'toilets:technology': 'String',
     tourism: 'String',
     tracktype: 'String',
     transportation_use_category: 'String',
     tunnel: 'String',
     'waste_type:building_waste': 'String',
     'waste_type:common_urban_waste': 'String',
     'waste_type:industrial_polluting': 'String',
     'waste_type:other': 'String',
     'water_place:access': 'String',
     'water_place:cleaning': 'String',
     'water_place:durability': 'String',
     water_purification: 'String',
     water_supply: 'String',
     waterway: 'String',
     way_area: 'String',
     width: 'String',
     wood: 'String',
     z_order: 'Number',
     gid: 'Number' },
  geometry_type: 'linestring',
  has_features: true }
yhahn commented 12 years ago

Ha, yeah. We can hard clip this with the expectation that the user should limit the number of columns they query for?

Would 20 be reasonable? /cc @dhcole @ajashton

dhcole commented 12 years ago

yes, I think 20 is good.

dhcole commented 12 years ago

@smit1678 what do you think?

springmeyer commented 12 years ago

I was hoping for a "show more" button, but ya, if that seems insane hard clipping would work, though I worry that would make it hard to know what was being hidden for osm users.

springmeyer commented 12 years ago

Another approach could be to count the # of columns, if if there are 100, only show 50 rows at first, or if there are 200 only show 30 rows at first, etc.

yhahn commented 12 years ago

I went with 50 columns with a message about omitted fields as some of our default mapbox geodata shapefiles have just over 30 columns. Let me know if this fixes the UI slowdown for you.

willwhite commented 12 years ago

This used to limited by number of cells, so the more columns there were, the fewer rows would be displayed.

springmeyer commented 12 years ago

On further thought, I'm feeling quite uncomfortable with a hard limit on 50 cols. This is going to confuse OSM users trying to learn about their data. @willwhite - are you indicating this used to be more performant (less rows were shown previously) but something regressed?

yhahn commented 12 years ago

I believe a cell-based limit was quite confusing as well.

Currently any time the columns are truncated the following message is displayed:

ISO_A2, ISO_A3, NAME fields omitted. Use fewer fields for better performance.

Still too confusing?

yhahn commented 12 years ago

I'm going to close this for now... i think what we have should give users enough information to drop/rewrite their query in a way to explore the omitted fields and exclude ones that they aren't interested in.