tilemmpon / Singapore-Maritime-Dataset-Frames-Ground-Truth-Generation-and-Statistics

Repository for generating frames from the Singapore Maritime Dataset videos and converting the corresponding ground truth files. FInally, some basic statistics are generated.
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Does it contains the instance segmentation? #5

Closed yaoshanliang closed 3 years ago

tilemmpon commented 3 years ago

Hello, No this dataset does not contain the instance segmentation. It only has the bounding boxes ground truth for object detection. I only used it for object detection and not instance segmentation.

yaoshanliang commented 3 years ago

I know. Thank you.

Does the author of SMD provide instance segmentation label?

tilemmpon commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately they did not. I checked again (https://sites.google.com/site/dilipprasad/home/singapore-maritime-dataset) and it seems that there was no update on the dataset. You can try to contact them directly if they plan to release instance segmentation labels.

yaoshanliang commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much.

I see that it contains track and horizon labels. Do they need to be processed in the way as you did in object detection?

tilemmpon commented 3 years ago

Track and horizon labels were not used by my code. The ground truth generation is in this file:


You will need to adapt it to also export the Track and Horizon Ground Truth if you need them. Adjustments will be needed here for the CSV file for tensorflow:


(Please see implementation of this here: https://github.com/tilemmpon/Singapore-Maritime-Dataset-Frames-Ground-Truth-Generation-and-Statistics/blob/master/convert_mat_to_csv_LEGACY.py#L96 . You can copy it to the file above.)

and here for the VOC xml file:


yaoshanliang commented 3 years ago

You are so kind. Thank you.

tilemmpon commented 3 years ago

You're welcome. Let me know if you have other questions regarding this or open a new issue. Feel free to close this issue.