tilezen / joerd

Joerd can be used to download, merge and generate tiles from digital elevation data
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Monaco Bathymetry #190

Open jgwinner opened 4 years ago

jgwinner commented 4 years ago


I was using a program that uses the AWS Mapzen data, and combines with OpenStreetMap, but I'm getting some weird results around the Monaco shoreline. Is this a bug, or is it a result of the source data?

The source is the area: 7.39886, 43.70961, 7.46272, 43.75698


rmarianski commented 4 years ago

IIRC, there were artifacts in the data around shorelines, but I'll defer to @nvkelso for the specifics.

jgwinner commented 4 years ago

Thanks. It's kind of a killer, we could hand edit the above, but we were trying to build a process that would take user inputs.

Do you know of any other data sets that could be used?

    == John ==
nvkelso commented 4 years ago

Yes, these are shoreline artifacts. Usually blending between different sources is tricky, but the super low resolution nature of the bathymetry here is the main problem. Do you know of a better open data source for Mediterranean Sea bathymetry that could be used here? That would probably fix things up.

jgwinner commented 4 years ago

I'm still exploring datasets. However, If I knew where the data sets were coming from, or turn on/off the bathymetry, I could build my own blending model in World Machine or Leveller, at least for my current application.

I'll explore your model better, I came here from another app that consumes your data.

    == John ==