tilezen / joerd

Joerd can be used to download, merge and generate tiles from digital elevation data
MIT License
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Write GDAL example for docs #89

Closed migurski closed 8 years ago

migurski commented 8 years ago

To add to the nvkelso/add-docs branch, create a collect.py script to download an area of tiles, and show a GDAL command line example to sew them together into a larger GeoTIFF.

Can someone assign this to me?

nvkelso commented 8 years ago

The URL paths in the docs PR is future oriented, the current endpoint is:

They are also 512 x 512 tiles with internal 256x256 pyramiding, so you'll generally need to request the parent tile {z-1} and get the quadrant you're looking for from your original z zoom.

Example tile:

NOTE: Once the tile endpoints are rearranged, I'll update the script in a separate issue to use the new endpoint. (Please write the script based on the above examples.)

migurski commented 8 years ago

Noting that .tif is the correct filename extension, and https is the correct scheme.

nvkelso commented 8 years ago

Fixed via #90.