tilezen / vector-datasource

Tilezen vector tile service - OpenStreetMap data in several formats
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Address points have surplus properties #2024

Open nvkelso opened 2 years ago

nvkelso commented 2 years ago

The only thing we really need for display is the address number, all the other properties just add fake database bulk to the payload.

  # address points
  - filter:
      "addr:housenumber": true
      geom_type: point
    extra_columns: [way]
    min_zoom: 17
      <<: *output_properties
      kind: address
      addr_housenumber: {col: 'addr:housenumber'}
      addr_street: {col: 'addr:street'}

With *output_properties being:

  - &output_properties
        func: util.safe_int
        args: [ { col: area } ]
    label_placement: {col: label_placement}
    min_zoom: {col: min_zoom}
    mz_label_placement: {col: mz_label_placement}
    name: {col: name}
    source: {col: source}

The property that cause the most bulk and should be removed:

These other properties are sometimes populated but aren't useful and should be removed:

If the property appears in the buildings.yaml then it should be removed.

To make 2x sure it's no longer there we can strip propes in the queries.yaml, right after the way-based address points are generated:

WARNING: removing properties invokes https://github.com/tilezen/vector-datasource/blob/master/docs/SEMANTIC-VERSIONING.md so this is 2.0 territory.

Related: https://github.com/tilezen/vector-datasource/issues/2023.