tilezen / vector-datasource

Tilezen vector tile service - OpenStreetMap data in several formats
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Add label collision rank for pois and other layer #988

Closed nvkelso closed 5 years ago

nvkelso commented 7 years ago

When two different kinds features of equal min_zoom collide, which should win?

I have a big spreadsheet of relative ranks between kind & kind_detail values (as part of the category work). This would remove a good bit of hack logic from the stylesheet, and provide much more fidelity than we have currently there.

Since the discussion is so long, the related PR is: https://github.com/tilezen/vector-datasource/pull/1793.

zerebubuth commented 7 years ago

Can we use sort_key for this?

nvkelso commented 7 years ago

For pois and places that could work.

But we already have sort_key on features like roads and even some building and water features that that means z-stacking order. Because those features also need the new collision values we should probably be consistent everywhere.

Looking at Tangram this is called "priority" so I propose priority_key (though maybe we should call them both sort_rank and priority_rank in keeping with scalerank (or scale_rank).

nvkelso commented 7 years ago

Complete mapping:

nvkelso commented 6 years ago

Subtask of https://github.com/tilezen/vector-datasource/issues/1351.

nvkelso commented 5 years ago

There's a ton of client side logic to set these for POIs layer in particular, moving into v1.7 milestone.

nvkelso commented 5 years ago

We can sorta use the sort_rank, except the landuse labels should (a) generally collide out the road labels / that can change by zoom and (b) we need to set them for places and pois layers, so let's do some research...

Generally the collision should be driven by min_zoom (or min_label) and then tie break with the relative ranking of the features.

@zerebubuth can you generate a CSV that has the following columns, filled out for all the kinds?

layer kind label_placement min_zoom sort_rank
water water true 3.0 200
earth cliff true 8.0 227
landuse park true 15.0 156
buildings address true 16.0 475
boundaries region null 16.0 250
roads highway null 16.0 444
transit highway null 16.0 413
places region null 10.0 null
pois post_office null 16.0 null
zerebubuth commented 5 years ago

Here's a CSV with all the kinds with their min_zoom and sort_rank. And a script to generate it in the future in #1771. I didn't add label_placement yet, as the logic for that is a lot more complicated, and depends on whether the feature has a name, if it's also matched by filters in other layers, etc... Hopefully this is good enough to see where we need to focus our efforts.

A few notes on the data:

admin_areas admin_area 5 None
boundaries aboriginal_lands 8 250
boundaries country 0 262
boundaries county 10 254
boundaries disputed 0 261
boundaries indefinite 0 259
boundaries indeterminate 0 259
boundaries lease_limit 0 259
boundaries line_of_control 0 260
boundaries locality 11 252
boundaries macroregion 2 257
boundaries map_unit 5 258
boundaries maritime 8 250
boundaries overlay_limit 0 259
boundaries region 2 256
buildings address 17 475
buildings building 13 475
buildings building_part 15 475
buildings entrance 17 475
buildings exit 17 475
earth archipelago 15 None
earth arete 13 228
earth cliff 13 227
earth continent 1 None
earth earth 0 10
earth island 7 None
earth islet 15 None
earth ridge 13 None
earth valley 13 None
landuse aerodrome 8 74
landuse airfield 8 73
landuse allotments 12 103
landuse amusement_ride 9 119
landuse animal 9 114
landuse apron 9 77
landuse aquarium 10 61
landuse artwork 12 115
landuse attraction 12 116
landuse aviary 9 97
landuse battlefield 3 25
landuse beach 10 108
landuse boatyard 15 63
landuse breakwater 10 224
landuse bridge 10 229
landuse camp_site 13 105
landuse caravan_site 9 71
landuse carousel 9 117
landuse cemetery 10 91
landuse cinema 9 94
landuse city_wall 12 271
landuse college 8 43
landuse commercial 10 46
landuse common 12 82
landuse container_terminal 11 65
landuse crane 16 272
landuse cutline 10 226
landuse cutting 16 11
landuse dam 9 223
landuse danger_area 9 50
landuse dike 10 227
landuse ditch 16 11
landuse dog_park 9 110
landuse embankment 16 278
landuse enclosure 9 99
landuse farm 10 40
landuse farmland 10 41
landuse fence 16 269
landuse ferry_terminal 11 66
landuse footway 9 125
landuse forest 4 31
landuse fort 9 53
landuse fuel 9 93
landuse garden 12 109
landuse gate 16 11
landuse generator 10 104
landuse glacier 8 29
landuse golf_course 10 62
landuse grass 9 35
landuse grave_yard 13 11
landuse groyne 10 225
landuse guard_rail 16 11
landuse hanami 12 107
landuse harbour 11 11
landuse hedge 9 263
landuse hospital 10 60
landuse industrial 10 21
landuse kerb 16 11
landuse land 9 222
landuse library 9 95
landuse maze 10 106
landuse meadow 9 36
landuse military 8 48
landuse mud 9 219
landuse national_park 3 18
landuse natural_forest 6 33
landuse natural_park 9 32
landuse natural_wood 6 34
landuse nature_reserve 4 23
landuse naval_base 8 49
landuse orchard 10 11
landuse park 4 24
landuse parking 14 122
landuse pedestrian 12 111
landuse petting_zoo 9 98
landuse picnic_site 9 121
landuse pier 11 228
landuse pitch 12 113
landuse place_of_worship 12 90
landuse plant 10 102
landuse plant_nursery 10 11
landuse playground 12 112
landuse port 11 11
landuse port_terminal 11 67
landuse power_line 14 274
landuse power_minor_line 17 273
landuse prison 9 52
landuse protected_area 4 17
landuse quarry 9 89
landuse quay 16 69
landuse railway 10 88
landuse range 9 51
landuse recreation_ground 10 70
landuse recreation_track 9 72
landuse residential 4 20
landuse resort 10 58
landuse rest_area 11 44
landuse retail 10 47
landuse retaining_wall 15 266
landuse rock 9 27
landuse roller_coaster 9 100
landuse runway 9 78
landuse rural 4 14
landuse school 12 92
landuse scree 9 11
landuse scrub 9 37
landuse service_area 11 45
landuse shipyard 15 64
landuse snow_fence 15 267
landuse sports_centre 10 80
landuse stadium 10 79
landuse stone 9 28
landuse substation 10 86
landuse summer_toboggan 9 101
landuse taxiway 9 76
landuse theatre 9 96
landuse theme_park 10 54
landuse tower 10 124
landuse trail_riding_station 9 59
landuse tree_row 9 264
landuse university 8 42
landuse urban 4 13
landuse urban_area 4 11
landuse village_green 9 81
landuse wall 16 270
landuse wastewater_plant 10 83
landuse water_park 9 120
landuse water_slide 9 118
landuse water_works 10 84
landuse wetland 9 220
landuse wharf 16 68
landuse wilderness_hut 12 123
landuse wildlife_park 10 55
landuse winery 10 56
landuse winter_sports 10 39
landuse wood 6 30
landuse works 10 85
landuse zoo 10 57
places borough None None
places country 1 None
places locality 2 None
places macrohood None None
places microhood None None
places neighbourhood None None
places region 3 None
pois accountant 17 None
pois adit 16 None
pois administrative 17 None
pois adult_gaming_centre 14 None
pois advertising_agency 17 None
pois aerodrome 8 None
pois aeroway_gate 16 None
pois airfield 8 None
pois airport 8 None
pois alcohol 13 None
pois allotments 16 None
pois alpine_hut 13 None
pois ambulatory_care 17 None
pois amusement_ride 17 None
pois animal 17 None
pois aquarium 14 None
pois archaeological_site 16 None
pois architect 17 None
pois art 17 None
pois arts_centre 15 None
pois artwork 17 None
pois association 17 None
pois atm 18 None
pois attraction 17 None
pois atv 17 None
pois aviary 17 None
pois baby_hatch 17 None
pois bakery 17 None
pois bank 14 None
pois bar 15 None
pois battlefield 10 None
pois bbq 18 None
pois beach 10 None
pois beach_resort 14 None
pois beacon 15 None
pois beauty 17 None
pois bed_and_breakfast 17 None
pois bench 18 None
pois bicycle 15 None
pois bicycle_junction 16 None
pois bicycle_parking 17 None
pois bicycle_rental 16 None
pois bicycle_rental_station 17 None
pois bicycle_repair_station 18 None
pois biergarten 15 None
pois block 16 None
pois blood 17 None
pois blood_bank 17 None
pois boat_lift 16 None
pois boat_rental 16 None
pois boat_storage 17 None
pois boatyard 10 None
pois bollard 16 None
pois bookmaker 17 None
pois books 17 None
pois border_control 14 None
pois brewery 13 None
pois bunker 16 None
pois bureau_de_change 17 None
pois bus_station 16 None
pois bus_stop 18 None
pois butcher 17 None
pois cafe 15 None
pois camera 16 None
pois camp_site 13 None
pois car 17 None
pois car_parts 17 None
pois car_rental 16 None
pois car_repair 17 None
pois car_sharing 17 None
pois car_wash 17 None
pois caravan_site 14 None
pois carousel 17 None
pois carpenter 13 None
pois casino 10 None
pois cattle_grid 16 None
pois cave_entrance 15 None
pois cemetery 12 None
pois chalet 17 None
pois charging_station 17 None
pois charity 13 None
pois chemist 13 None
pois childcare 17 None
pois chiropractor 17 None
pois cinema 14 None
pois clinic 17 None
pois clothes 17 None
pois coffee 13 None
pois college 12 None
pois communications_tower 15 None
pois community_centre 13 None
pois company 17 None
pois computer 17 None
pois confectionery 13 None
pois consulting 17 None
pois container_terminal 10 None
pois convenience 17 None
pois copyshop 16 None
pois cosmetics 13 None
pois courthouse 14 None
pois craft 17 None
pois crane 16 None
pois cross 15 None
pois customs 14 None
pois cycle_barrier 18 None
pois dam 12 None
pois danger_area 8 None
pois defibrillator 17 None
pois deli 13 None
pois dentist 17 None
pois department_store 13 None
pois dispensary 17 None
pois dive_centre 16 None
pois doctors 17 None
pois dog_park 16 None
pois doityourself 13 None
pois donation 17 None
pois dressmaker 13 None
pois drinking_water 18 None
pois dry_cleaning 13 None
pois dune 15 None
pois educational_institution 17 None
pois egress 14 None
pois electrician 13 None
pois electronics 13 None
pois elevator 17 None
pois embassy 14 None
pois emergency_phone 17 None
pois employment_agency 17 None
pois enclosure 17 None
pois estate_agent 17 None
pois farm 15 None
pois fashion 17 None
pois fast_food 15 None
pois ferry_terminal 11 None
pois field_hospital 15 None
pois financial 17 None
pois fire_hydrant 18 None
pois fire_station 14 None
pois firepit 18 None
pois fishing 16 None
pois fishing_area 16 None
pois fishmonger 13 None
pois fitness 10 None
pois fitness_station 17 None
pois florist 17 None
pois ford 16 None
pois forest 7 None
pois fort 13 None
pois foundation 17 None
pois fuel 14 None
pois funeral_directors 16 None
pois furniture 13 None
pois gallery 15 None
pois gambling 17 None
pois garden 12 None
pois garden_centre 13 None
pois gardener 13 None
pois gas_canister 18 None
pois gate 14 None
pois generator 15 None
pois geyser 15 None
pois gift 17 None
pois golf 13 None
pois golf_course 12 None
pois government 17 None
pois grave_yard 13 None
pois greengrocer 17 None
pois grocery 17 None
pois guest_house 17 None
pois hairdresser 17 None
pois halt 16 None
pois hanami 17 None
pois handicraft 13 None
pois harbourmaster 16 None
pois hardware 13 None
pois hazard 15 None
pois health_centre 15 None
pois healthcare_alternative 17 None
pois healthcare_centre 17 None
pois healthcare_laboratory 17 None
pois helipad 16 None
pois heliport 8 None
pois hifi 17 None
pois horse_riding 10 None
pois hospice 17 None
pois hospital 10 None
pois hostel 17 None
pois hot_spring 16 None
pois hotel 13 None
pois hunting 16 None
pois hunting_stand 17 None
pois hvac 13 None
pois ice_cream 13 None
pois industrial 17 None
pois information 16 None
pois insurance 17 None
pois it 17 None
pois jewelry 17 None
pois karaoke 17 None
pois karaoke_box 17 None
pois kindergarten 13 None
pois landmark 12 None
pois laundry 13 None
pois lawyer 17 None
pois level_crossing 18 None
pois library 14 None
pois life_ring 18 None
pois lifeguard_tower 17 None
pois lighthouse 14 None
pois lock 15 None
pois lottery 17 None
pois love_hotel 18 None
pois mall 12 None
pois marina 12 None
pois marketplace 13 None
pois mast 17 None
pois maze 17 None
pois memorial 17 None
pois metal_construction 13 None
pois midwife 17 None
pois midwife_occupational 17 None
pois military 8 None
pois mineshaft 15 None
pois mini_roundabout 16 None
pois miniature_golf 16 None
pois mobile_phone 17 None
pois money_transfer 17 None
pois monument 15 None
pois mooring 17 None
pois motel 13 None
pois motorcycle 17 None
pois motorcycle_parking 17 None
pois motorway_junction 12 None
pois museum 12 None
pois music 13 None
pois national_park 3.5 None
pois nature_reserve 4 None
pois naval_base 8 None
pois newsagent 17 None
pois newspaper 17 None
pois ngo 17 None
pois nightclub 15 None
pois notary 17 None
pois nursing_home 15 None
pois obelisk 14 None
pois observatory 15 None
pois office 17 None
pois offshore_platform 13 None
pois optician 17 None
pois optometrist_paediatrics 17 None
pois outdoor 15 None
pois painter 13 None
pois park 8 None
pois parking 14 None
pois parking_garage 14 None
pois peak 9 None
pois perfumery 17 None
pois pet 13 None
pois petroleum_well 17 None
pois petting_zoo 17 None
pois pharmacy 13 None
pois phone 18 None
pois photo 16 None
pois photographer 13 None
pois photographic_laboratory 13 None
pois physician 17 None
pois physiotherapist_physiotherapy 17 None
pois picnic_site 16 None
pois picnic_table 18 None
pois pitch 16 None
pois place_of_worship 12 None
pois plant 12 None
pois plaque 16 None
pois platform 17 None
pois playground 17 None
pois plumber 13 None
pois podiatrist_psychotherapist 17 None
pois police 14 None
pois political_party 17 None
pois port_terminal 10 None
pois post_box 18 None
pois post_office 14 None
pois pottery 13 None
pois power_pole 18 None
pois power_tower 16 None
pois power_wind 15 None
pois prison 13 None
pois protected_area 7 None
pois pub 15 None
pois put_in 14 None
pois put_in_egress 14 None
pois pylon 17 None
pois quarry 12 None
pois quay 10 None
pois range 8 None
pois ranger_station 14 None
pois rapid 15 None
pois recreation_ground 12 None
pois recreation_track 16 None
pois recycling 16 None
pois rehabilitation 17 None
pois religion 17 None
pois research 17 None
pois resort 14 None
pois rest_area 11 None
pois restaurant 15 None
pois rock 17 None
pois roller_coaster 17 None
pois ruins 14 None
pois saddle 14 None
pois sanitary_dump_station 17 None
pois sawmill 13 None
pois school 13 None
pois scuba_diving 17 None
pois service_area 11 None
pois shelter 16 None
pois ship_chandler 17 None
pois shipyard 10 None
pois shoemaker 13 None
pois shoes 13 None
pois shop 17 None
pois shower 18 None
pois sinkhole 15 None
pois ski 13 None
pois ski_rental 13 None
pois ski_school 13 None
pois slaughterhouse 17 None
pois slipway 17 None
pois snow_cannon 13 None
pois snowmobile 17 None
pois social_facility 17 None
pois speech 17 None
pois sports 13 None
pois sports_centre 10 None
pois spring 14 None
pois stadium 10 None
pois station 10 None
pois stationery 17 None
pois stone 17 None
pois stonemason 13 None
pois stop 16 None
pois stop_area 15 None
pois street_lamp 18 None
pois studio 17 None
pois substation 14 None
pois subway_entrance 17 None
pois summer_camp 14 None
pois summer_toboggan 17 None
pois supermarket 13 None
pois swimming_area 16 None
pois tailor 13 None
pois tax_advisor 17 None
pois taxi 18 None
pois telecommunication 17 None
pois telephone 18 None
pois telescope 15 None
pois theatre 15 None
pois theme_park 13 None
pois therapist 17 None
pois tobacco 17 None
pois toilets 18 None
pois toll_booth 15 None
pois townhall 12 None
pois toys 13 None
pois trade 13 None
pois traffic_signals 18 None
pois trail_riding_station 17 None
pois trailhead 15 None
pois tram_stop 16 None
pois travel_agency 17 None
pois travel_agent 17 None
pois tree 16 None
pois turning_circle 17 None
pois turning_loop 17 None
pois tyres 16 None
pois university 10 None
pois variety_store 13 None
pois veterinary 13 None
pois viewpoint 15 None
pois volcano 9 None
pois walking_junction 16 None
pois waste_basket 18 None
pois waste_disposal 18 None
pois wastewater_plant 12 None
pois water_park 13 None
pois water_point 18 None
pois water_slide 17 None
pois water_tower 15 None
pois water_well 17 None
pois water_works 12 None
pois waterfall 12 None
pois watering_place 18 None
pois watermill 14 None
pois waterway_fuel 13 None
pois wayside_cross 16 None
pois wharf 10 None
pois wilderness_hut 15 None
pois wildlife_park 17 None
pois windmill 14 None
pois wine 13 None
pois winery 13 None
pois winter_sports 10 None
pois wood 9 None
pois works 12 None
pois zoo 10 None
roads aerialway 12 355
roads aeroway 9 355
roads ferry None 355
roads highway 5 355
roads major_road 5 355
roads minor_road 5 355
roads path 8 354
roads piste 13 354
roads portage_way 8 354
roads racetrack 14 355
roads rail 11 355
transit bus_stop 17 275
transit funicular 12 416
transit halt 13 275
transit light_rail 9 418
transit monorail 12 415
transit platform 15 385
transit station 15 275
transit stop 13 275
transit stop_area 15 275
transit subway 8 275
transit train 5 275
transit tram 9 417
transit tram_stop 13 275
water basin 1.066 200
water bay 1.066 200
water canal 9 201
water ditch 16 201
water dock 1.066 200
water drain 16 201
water fjord 1.066 200
water fountain 1.066 200
water lake None 204
water ocean None 200
water playa None 203
water reef 1.066 200
water river 9 201
water riverbank 7 204
water sea 3 200
water strait 1.066 200
water stream 11 201
water swimming_pool 7 206
water water 7 204
nvkelso commented 5 years ago

@zerebubuth how should we arrange the collision_rank CSV values? Should it reuse the existing CSV with new column added, or be new CSV? The bonus of reusing the existing CSV is it'll also reuse the existing matching logic?

nvkelso commented 5 years ago

@bcamper How should collision rank work for road text labels versus road shields? Should they each get their own slot? Technically they are the same data feature... so I could do a spacing trick where the shield is the data value - 1, and the text label is just the data value, so the shield would win in collision over the text? But then repeat groups get involved and that confuses me.

I want the collision to be the tie breaker in the code if 2 features have the same min_zoom... so major roads would naturally collide out minor roads because of their feature min_zoom, but different minor_roads could have the same min_zoom, but different collision ranks (with smaller values winning).

This is also the case for many POIs which all share the same min_zoom (there are a ton of zoom 16 and zoom 17 kinds, but some are more/less important than others in the same min_zoom grouping).

nvkelso commented 5 years ago

@zerebubuth Can you expand the CSV generation to include kind_detail, please?

nvkelso commented 5 years ago

Rough draft 1 (see collision_rank column):

Doesn't include:

bcamper commented 5 years ago

@nvkelso for shields vs. road labels, it looks like we have (generally speaking) set the shield priority to be just below the road label in Bubble Wrap. While it might not be a problem if they had the same value, I think we'd likely lose some shields if made them the same priority (because we are using placement: midpoint for shields, placing one at the mid-point of every line segment, so there are fewer of them to go around than road labels, but it's also efficient to place shields that way). So, I think your idea of doubling the numbers and offsetting them by one is probably the best to ensure we are baking in more explicit control.

I don't think the interaction of repeat groups matters here. Even aside from the outcome of https://github.com/tangrams/tangram/pull/687, they only thin out repetitions of the same exact text strings, and we are not generally placing road labels and shield text with the exact same text anyway (e.g. "Gowanus Expressway" for road label vs. "278" for shield).

It sounds like what you want is multi-level priority based on multiple props (min_zoom and sort_rank)? To achieve that, we could have a single compound value that reflects them together, calculated on the server-side. One way to do that is to multiply the min_zoom component like:

collision_rank = min_zoom * 1000 + sort_rank

But that could have undesirable effects in creating a wide range of discontinuous priority values that you need to understand when layering other features around them. Another way could be to put the sort_rank tie-breaker in the fractional component of priority (the Tangram docs say priority should be an integer, but as far as I can see, I don't think there is an actual reason that fractional values won't or couldn't work -- would need to look at this in ES though), e.g.:

collision_rank = min_zoom + (1 - 1/sort_rank)

This will give you values like 10.975 for farm (sort_rank 40) and 10.989 for cemetery (sort_rank 91). That may be easier to reason about if you are placing other feature priorities around them (e.g. especially if layering in user-provided data). (This assumes all min_zoom values are integers.)

Another approach would be to add some client-side support for compound/multi-prop priority keys, like priority: [min_zoom, sort_rank]. I think that's interesting and probably not too difficult to add, but would have some additional processing overhead, so with performance as a goal, I'd lean towards a one-time server-side calc as the first option.

bcamper commented 5 years ago

@nvkelso ah I see your gist with sample values now... you can totally just hand-code them like that too and still get a reasonable (?) range of integers. I just assumed you wanted something more automated (I guess you could still automate that by sorting and using the list index), but that may be simplest.

nvkelso commented 5 years ago

Of the options presented, this is most in line with the behavior I'm looking for (updated):

priority = feature.properties.min_zoom + (1 - 1 / feature.properties.collision_rank) * 0.1

Updating @bcamper's explanation:

Smaller numbers win. A feature with a smaller collision order should win, assuming same min_zoom.

Assuming both farm and cemetery are min_zoom 10: This will give you values like 10.975 for farm (collision_rank: 40) and 10.989 for cemetery (collision_rank: 91). That may be easier to reason about if you are placing other feature priorities around them (e.g. especially if layering in user-provided data). (This assumes all min_zoom values are integers.)

But I think the min_zoom should be assumed to be a float with only a tenth precision, like 10.0, 10.1, and 10.2 but 10.01 would not be a valid min_zoom. This is important so in dense areas features with the same kind can have different importance (either by area or other data or curation logic).

min_zoom collision_rank collision min_zoom_alt
10.0 40 10.0975 10.00040
10.0 91 10.0989010989 10.00091
10.1 40 10.1975 11.00040
10.1 91 10.1989130435 10.10091


bcamper commented 5 years ago

@zerebubuth will have feedback on if/how those floats would impact tile size/encoding, and/or other ideas (as might @matteblair)

nvkelso commented 5 years ago

We already have a mix of ints and floats min_zoom in vector tiles, but yes @zerebubuth please comment!

@matteblair for Tangram ES support of float priority text collision values.

zerebubuth commented 5 years ago

In general, I'd prefer not to bake anything which is easily computable into tiles, especially if it's combinatoric and the values are likely distinct. If I'm understanding correctly, then we'd be starting with something like this:

Feature ID min_zoom collision_rank
1 10 40
2 10 91
3 10 50
4 11 40
5 11 91
6 11 50

For which these properties are going to take up something like 22 bytes (not including the key overhead). And we're extending that to:

Feature ID min_zoom collision_rank collision
1 10 40 10.0975
2 10 91 10.09890109890109890109
3 10 50 10.098
4 11 40 11.0975
5 11 91 11.09890109890109890109
6 11 50 11.098

For which we're adding about 36 bytes, as each collision value is unique - an increase of 160% just for 6 features. It'll get bigger the more combinations we're expanding and inlining. It'll be worst in POI-dense areas, ironically where we most need the collision rank.

This is just static data, easily computable from other properties (layer, kind, kind_detail, sort_rank) in the tile. We're not adding any new information by including this in the tile, just increasing the tile size.

And by baking our style choices into the tiles, we lose flexibility on the client; anyone who wants to change the computed values will be faced with the choice between using our suboptimal baked-in values or taking a performance hit by patching or overriding them in the style file. For example, I could see Walkabout wanting to bump the priority of cycle-related POIs and de-emphasise motor vehicle POIs.

@bcamper is there some way in Tangram to attach a function to the tile decoding that could be called with the layer and feature properties object, to return a modified properties object? Would doing this once at tile load, rather than in the styling step, be "cheaper" than using function: ... stuff in the style rules themselves?

nvkelso commented 5 years ago

I'm fine starting with adding a new collision_rank property and doing the data merge client side.

My understanding is Tangram JS can do the tile decoding function, but that Tangram ES cannot (as of today).

Let's go ahead and prototype with the JS function approach.

We also discussed IRL about reusing CSV converting to YAML approach for this. That could make diffs much easier to read :)

nvkelso commented 5 years ago

I've added Gist documenting existing Bubble Wrap practice around priority:

Take aways:

matteblair commented 5 years ago
  1. Tangram ES does not currently allow non-integer values for priority, but we can enable it without too much trouble.
  2. Is collision_rank ever used by the client? It seems like only the final collision value is used, in which case we would only need to add the collision property to the tiles, not both.
  3. MVT encoding should lessen the size impact of adding this property. Only one value per kind per tile is needed, and collision values could be scaled to integers to take advantage of varint encoding.
  4. @nvkelso not sure what you mean with "Tangram JS can do the tile decoding function, but that Tangram ES cannot". Tangram ES can access feature properties in JS functions the same as Tangram JS.
  5. The multi-key priority idea is not bad. It would be more efficient for Tangram ES than performing the same logic in a JS function. My understanding is that a syntax like priority: ['min_zoom', 'sort_rank'] would mean that first min_zoom is compared and then each subsequent property name is used as a tiebreaker, which sounds like the desired end result. Of course, using a pre-computed data value is still more efficient for the client ;)
nvkelso commented 5 years ago
  1. Tangram ES does not currently allow non-integer values for priority, but we can enable it without too much trouble.

I've filed https://github.com/tangrams/tangram/issues/692 on Tangram JS. Depending on the implementation, let's also file and related a Tangram ES issue.

  1. @nvkelso not sure what you mean with "Tangram JS can do the tile decoding function, but that Tangram ES cannot". Tangram ES can access feature properties in JS functions the same as Tangram JS.

Does Tangram ES support the source scripts, though? Reading the docs:

These scripts will be loaded before the data is processed so that they are available to the transform function.

scripts: [ 'https://url.com/js/script.js', 'local_script.js']
  1. The multi-key priority idea is not bad. It would be more efficient for Tangram ES than performing the same logic in a JS function. My understanding is that a syntax like priority: ['min_zoom', 'sort_rank'] would mean that first min_zoom is compared and then each subsequent property name is used as a tiebreaker, which sounds like the desired end result. Of course, using a pre-computed data value is still more efficient for the client ;)

With the name and other properties we treat the list as a series of fallbacks, not tie breakers. I think it's fine to be different, but let's talk about it more. What about using nesting to emphasize fallback versus tie breaker? If one of the properties isn't found will it evaluate to 0? That has the disadvantage of colliding out every other value with a valid return value...

priority: [min_zoom, collision_rank] # fallback? priority: [[min_zoom, collision_rank]] # nested tie breaker?

tallytalwar commented 5 years ago

Does Tangram ES support the source scripts, though? Reading the docs:

Nopes ES does not support these.

nvkelso commented 5 years ago

population_rank from WOF, which roughly lines up with Bubble Wrap (but let's base on WOF instead, which is loosely based on NE):

18: Over 1b
17: 100m to 1b
16: 50m to 100m
15: 20m to 50m
14: 10m to 20m
13: 5m to 10m
12: 1m to 5m
11: 500k to 1m
10: 200k to 500k
9: 100k to 200k
8: 50k to 100k
7: 20k to 50k
6: 10k to 20k
5: 5k to 10k
4: 2k to 5k
3: 1k to 2k
2: 200 to 1k
1: Less than 200
0: Locale (no population) / places that only are visible at 50k scale or larger (but not neighbourhoods)

Needs to account for other top level placetypes as well, like macroregion, region, macrocounty, county, and localadmin.

Needs to account for country_capital and region_capital. relative priority, too (20 slots each per placetype).

matteblair commented 5 years ago

Yeah ES doesn't use the scripts property, but I'm not sure how that would be used here.

The multi-key priority could still be thought of like "fallbacks": When you're colliding two labels you start by comparing the first item, then if they're equal you fall back to the next item. There are definitely some subtleties to work out though, like properties that are absent from features. And the more I think about it, the harder this seems to implement efficiently. Consider that if we're colliding features whose priority depends on N properties, we may need to access and compare 2N properties for each collision, versus accessing those properties just N times per feature to get a "calculated" priority. The comparison isn't as clearly favorable as I first thought.

bcamper commented 5 years ago

JS supports a function for priority, does ES also?

I would start with that, and benchmark any performance issues before deciding to add multi-key syntax. Since there aren't that many POI features, it may not be an issue and it's a way to get this working now.

On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 6:21 PM Matt Blair notifications@github.com wrote:

Yeah ES doesn't use the scripts property, but I'm not sure how that would be used here.

The multi-key priority could still be thought of like "fallbacks": When you're colliding two labels you start by comparing the first item, then if they're equal you fall back to the next item. There are definitely some subtleties to work out though, like properties that are absent from features. And the more I think about it, the harder this seems to implement efficiently. Consider that if we're colliding features whose priority depends on N properties, we may need to access and compare 2N properties for each collision, versus accessing those properties just N times per feature to get a "calculated" priority. The comparison isn't as clearly favorable as I first thought.

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tallytalwar commented 5 years ago

Yes ES does support functions for priority style parameter. (https://github.com/tangrams/tangram-es/blob/6a8333b859f68ebb6e2286132d4436cbf157265c/core/src/scene/styleContext.cpp#L329)

tallytalwar commented 5 years ago

Yeah ES doesn't use the scripts property, but I'm not sure how that would be used here.

If I am not mistaken this is useful for one time evaluation of properties at tile load time, instead of style building time per feature. (Referring to @zerebubuth's comment above)

bcamper commented 5 years ago

Right, it's another way of achieving the same thing. Using a function for priority is more inline with our usual pattern for this case anyway though (vs. one time tile load modifications, which are useful for more significant transformation of features, or synthesizing entirely new features, etc.).

On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 8:17 PM Varun notifications@github.com wrote:

Yeah ES doesn't use the scripts property, but I'm not sure how that would be used here.

If I am not mistaken this is useful for one time evaluation of properties at tile load time, instead of style building time per feature. (Referring to @zerebubuth https://github.com/zerebubuth's comment above)

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zerebubuth commented 5 years ago

From https://github.com/tilezen/vector-datasource/issues/988#issuecomment-452106372: See all_kind_details.md.

nvkelso commented 5 years ago
  • Leave room at lower end for ux and ui labels (like routing)

Done (left 100)

  • Leave room at lower end for "house" overlays like transit and bicycle.

Done (left 100)

  • Leave room at lower end for custom data overlays (100 or 1000 slots)

Done (left 100)

  • Probably leave some room in between "classes" or "basemap layers" of data for custom interlays?

Skip... someone should control this with their own combo of min_zoom and probably setting collision order to value in the data overlay range so it always wins against other features in that min_zoom.

  • Population_rank for countries, localities, and other "places" layer features are another dimension

Left space for this... needs population_rank logic.

  • Long shield text shields get demoted

Left space for this... needs shield logic.

  • Some shield texts of certain high profile network values get promoted – we already have some of that logic in the network setting code – try to reuse / generalize to say 5 levels? Left space for this... needs shield logic.

  • POIs that have area are boosted over point versions.

Skipped, the min_zoom already encodes this (and when it doesn't the min_zoom should be updated)

  • Landuse layer only labels are demoted.

Generally implemented.

  • Neighbourhood priority changes with zoom

Skipped, the min_zoom already carries this.

  • Road priority should also probably change with zoom (like we do for sort_rank)
nvkelso commented 5 years ago

I've taken the order I had before, added kind_detail, and explained some of the * gap suggestions.

_(The following table is from all_the_kinds_simplified.csv.zip, which is from the bigger all_the_kinds.csv.zip which also includes the min_zoom and minlabel).

$layer kind kind_detail collision_rank comment
      99 gap reserved for UX/UI
      100 gap reserved for house theme overlays
      100 gap reserved for data overlays
earth continent   1  
water ocean   2  
places country   3  
      19 gap reserved for population_rank
places locality   4  
      19 gap reserved for population_rank; guess the pop from kind_detail ala _default_min_zoom_for_place_kind() : city, farm, hamlet, isolated_dwelling, locality, scientific_station, town, village,
pois national_park   5  
places region   6  
      19 gap reserved for population_rank
water sea   7  
pois nature_reserve   8  
water lake   9  
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads highway motorway 10 inserted
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads highway motorway_link 10 inserted
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads highway trunk 10 inserted
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads highway   10 inserted
      10 gap for shields & etc
pois forest   11  
earth island   12  
water water   13  
pois protected_area   14  
water bay   15  
water fjord   16  
water strait   17  
water playa   18  
pois aerodrome   19  
pois military   20  
pois naval_base   21  
pois airport   22  
pois airfield   23  
pois park   24  
pois volcano   25  
pois wood   26  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
pois peak   27  
water river   28  
      10 gap for shields & etc
transit train   29 can flip per map style
      10 gap for shields & etc
pois beach   30  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
pois university   31  
pois battlefield   32  
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads major_road primary 33 inserted
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads major_road primary_link 33 inserted
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads major_road secondary 33 inserted
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads major_road secondary_link 33 inserted
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads major_road tertiary 33 inserted
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads major_road tertiary_link 33 inserted
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads major_road trunk 33 inserted
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads major_road trunk_link 33 inserted
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads major_road   33 inserted
      10 gap for shields & etc
water reef   34  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
water canal   35  
earth archipelago   36  
pois ferry_terminal   37  
pois rest_area   38  
pois service_area   39  
pois stadium   40  
pois station   41  
pois zoo   42  
      10 gap for shields & etc
transit subway   43 can flip per map style
      10 gap for shields & etc
boundaries aboriginal_lands   44  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
boundaries county   45  
boundaries region   46  
boundaries macroregion   47  
boundaries map_unit   48  
boundaries indefinite   49  
boundaries indeterminate   50  
boundaries lease_limit   51  
boundaries overlay_limit   52  
boundaries line_of_control   53  
boundaries disputed   54  
boundaries country   55  
pois college   56  
pois hospital   57  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois landmark   58  
pois mall   59  
pois museum   60  
pois winter_sports   61  
pois casino   62  
pois golf_course   63  
pois marina   64  
pois sports_centre   65  
pois garden   66  
pois recreation_ground   67  
pois waterfall   68  
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads ferry   69  
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
transit light_rail   70  
      10 gap for shields & etc
pois townhall   71  
      10 gap for shields & etc
transit tram   72  
      10 gap for shields & etc
pois cemetery   73  
      50 gap reserve for kind_details
pois dam   74  
pois motorway_junction   75 can flip per map style
pois place_of_worship   76  
pois plant   77  
pois port_terminal   78  
pois quarry   79  
pois wastewater_plant   80  
pois water_works   81  
pois works   82  
places borough   83  
      50 gap for shields, kind_detail & etc
roads path   84  
      50 gap for shields, kind_detail & etc
pois camp_site   85  
pois chemist   86  
pois community_centre   87  
pois cosmetics   88  
pois danger_area   89  
pois department_store   90  
pois doityourself   91  
pois fort   92  
pois garden_centre   93  
pois golf   94  
pois grave_yard   95  
      50 gap reserve for kind_details
pois hotel   96  
pois marketplace   97  
pois motel   98  
pois music   99  
pois pet   100  
pois pharmacy   101  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois range   102  
pois school   103  
pois shoes   104  
pois ski   105  
pois supermarket   106  
pois theme_park   107  
pois toys   108  
pois variety_store   109  
pois water_park   110  
pois winery   111  
pois alcohol   112  
pois alpine_hut   113  
pois brewery   114  
pois charity   115  
pois coffee   116  
pois confectionery   117  
pois deli   118  
pois electronics   119  
pois furniture   120  
pois hardware   121  
pois ice_cream   122  
pois kindergarten   123  
pois wine   124  
pois gardener   125  
pois sports   126  
earth valley   127  
boundaries locality   128  
pois handicraft   129  
pois ski_school   130  
pois veterinary   131  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads portage_way   132  
      10 gap for shields & etc
pois dressmaker   133  
pois dry_cleaning   134  
pois fishmonger   135  
pois laundry   136  
pois prison   137  
water dock   138  
pois container_terminal   139  
pois electrician   140  
pois hvac   141  
pois metal_construction   142  
pois offshore_platform   143  
pois painter   144  
pois photographer   145  
pois photographic_laboratory   146  
pois plumber   147  
pois pottery   148  
pois sawmill   149  
pois shoemaker   150  
pois ski_rental   151  
pois stonemason   152  
pois tailor   153  
pois trade   154  
pois waterway_fuel   155  
pois carpenter   156  
places macrohood   157  
pois aquarium   158  
pois bank   159  
pois beach_resort   160  
pois caravan_site   161  
pois cinema   162  
pois fuel   163  
pois library   164  
pois resort   165  
pois summer_camp   166  
landuse ferry_terminal   167  
landuse aerodrome   168  
pois fire_station   169  
pois ranger_station   170  
pois fitness   171  
pois embassy   172  
water basin   173  
water stream   174  
roads     50 gap for shields & etc
roads piste   175  
roads     50 gap for shields & etc
roads     50 gap for shields, kind_detail & etc
roads aerialway   176  
roads     50 gap for shields, kind_detail & etc
roads     10 gap for shields & etc
roads aeroway runway 177 inserted
roads     10 gap for shields & etc
roads     10 gap for shields & etc
roads aeroway taxiway 177 inserted
roads     10 gap for shields & etc
roads     10 gap for shields & etc
roads aeroway   177  
roads     10 gap for shields & etc
pois courthouse   178  
pois lighthouse   179  
pois obelisk   180  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
pois police   181  
pois post_office   182  
pois ruins   183  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
pois watermill   184  
pois windmill   185  
places neighbourhood   186 sometimes flips with zoom
pois border_control   187  
pois customs   188  
earth ridge   189  
pois boatyard   190  
pois shipyard   191  
pois spring   192  
pois substation   193  
pois gate   194  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
pois horse_riding   195  
pois wharf   196  
pois adult_gaming_centre   197  
pois egress   198  
pois parking   199  
pois parking_garage   200  
pois put_in   201  
pois put_in_egress   202  
pois quay   203  
pois saddle   204  
pois arts_centre   205  
pois bar   206  
      100 gap reserve for kind_details
pois bicycle   207  
pois biergarten   208  
      100 gap reserve for kind_details
pois cafe   209  
      100 gap reserve for kind_details
pois fast_food   210  
      100 gap reserve for kind_details
pois field_hospital   211  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois gallery   212  
pois health_centre   213  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois nightclub   214  
      100 gap reserve for kind_details
pois observatory   215  
pois outdoor   216  
pois pub   217  
      100 gap reserve for kind_details
pois restaurant   218  
      100 gap reserve for kind_details
pois theatre   219  
pois toll_booth   220  
pois trailhead   221  
pois viewpoint   222  
pois water_tower   223  
pois wilderness_hut   224  
pois nursing_home   225  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois telescope   226  
landuse city_wall   227  
water riverbank   228  
earth cliff   229  
earth arete   230  
boundaries maritime   231  
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads minor_road unclassified    
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads minor_road living_street    
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads minor_road residential    
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads minor_road road    
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads minor_road service    
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads minor_road raceway    
      10 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
roads minor_road   232  
      10 gap for shields & etc
      50 gap for shields & etc
roads racetrack   233  
      50 gap for shields & etc
      20 gap for shields & etc
roads rail   234  
      20 gap for shields & etc
      10 gap for shields & etc
transit monorail   235  
      10 gap for shields & etc
transit funicular   236  
      10 gap for shields & etc
pois beacon   237  
pois cave_entrance   238  
pois communications_tower   239  
pois cross   240  
pois dune   241  
pois farm   242  
pois generator   243  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois geyser   244  
pois hazard   245  
pois lock   246  
pois mineshaft   247  
pois monument   248  
pois power_wind   249  
pois rapid   250  
pois sinkhole   251  
landuse cutting   252  
landuse ditch   253  
landuse gate   254  
landuse grave_yard   255  
      50 gap reserve for kind_details
landuse guard_rail   256  
landuse harbour   257  
landuse kerb   258  
landuse orchard   259  
      50 gap reserve for kind_details
landuse plant_nursery   260  
landuse port   261  
landuse scree   262  
landuse urban_area   263  
landuse urban   264  
landuse rural   265  
landuse protected_area   266  
landuse national_park   267  
landuse residential   268  
landuse industrial   269  
landuse nature_reserve   270  
landuse park   271  
landuse battlefield   272  
landuse rock   273  
landuse stone   274  
landuse glacier   275  
landuse wood   276  
landuse forest   277  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
landuse natural_park   278  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
landuse natural_forest   279  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
landuse natural_wood   280  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
landuse grass   281  
landuse meadow   282  
landuse scrub   283  
landuse winter_sports   284  
landuse farm   285  
landuse farmland   286  
landuse university   287  
landuse college   288  
landuse rest_area   289  
landuse service_area   290  
landuse commercial   291  
landuse retail   292  
landuse military   293  
landuse naval_base   294  
landuse danger_area   295  
landuse range   296  
landuse prison   297  
landuse fort   298  
landuse theme_park   299  
landuse wildlife_park   300  
landuse winery   301  
landuse zoo   302  
landuse resort   303  
landuse trail_riding_station   304  
landuse hospital   305  
landuse aquarium   306  
landuse golf_course   307  
landuse boatyard   308  
landuse shipyard   309  
landuse container_terminal   310  
landuse port_terminal   311  
landuse wharf   312  
landuse quay   313  
landuse recreation_ground   314  
landuse caravan_site   315  
landuse recreation_track   316  
landuse airfield   317  
landuse stadium   318  
landuse sports_centre   319  
landuse village_green   320  
landuse common   321  
landuse railway   322  
landuse quarry   323  
landuse place_of_worship   324  
landuse cemetery   325  
      50 gap reserve for kind_details
landuse school   326  
landuse fuel   327  
landuse cinema   328  
landuse library   329  
landuse theatre   330  
landuse aviary   331  
landuse petting_zoo   332  
landuse camp_site   333  
landuse beach   334  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
landuse garden   335  
landuse dog_park   336  
landuse pedestrian   337  
landuse playground   338  
landuse attraction   339  
landuse water_park   340  
landuse wilderness_hut   341  
landuse tower   342  
landuse footway   343  
landuse mud   344  
pois wetland   345 inserted
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
landuse wetland   345  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
landuse land   346  
landuse dam   347  
landuse groyne   348  
landuse dike   349  
landuse pier   350  
landuse bridge   351  
pois stop_area   352  
places microhood   353  
pois aeroway_gate   354  
pois bicycle_rental   355  
pois boat_rental   356  
pois bus_station   357  
pois camera   358  
pois car_rental   359  
pois copyshop   360  
pois dive_centre   361  
pois dog_park   362  
pois fishing   363  
pois fishing_area   364  
pois funeral_directors   365  
pois harbourmaster   366  
pois helipad   367  
pois heliport   368  
pois hot_spring   369  
pois hunting   370  
pois information   371  
earth islet   372  
pois mini_roundabout   373  
pois miniature_golf   374  
pois photo   375  
pois picnic_site   376  
pois snow_cannon   377  
pois swimming_area   378  
pois tyres   379  
pois block   380  
pois bunker   381  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois shelter   382  
pois recreation_track   383  
pois recycling   384  
pois adit   385  
pois allotments   386  
pois archaeological_site   387  
pois bicycle_junction   388  
pois boat_lift   389  
pois pitch   390  
      100 gap reserve for kind_details
pois bollard   391  
pois cattle_grid   392  
pois crane   393  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
pois ford   394  
pois halt   395  
pois plaque   396  
pois power_tower   397  
pois stop   398  
pois tram_stop   399  
pois tree   400  
pois walking_junction   401  
pois wayside_cross   402  
landuse taxiway   403  
landuse runway   404  
landuse wastewater_plant   405  
landuse water_works   406  
landuse works   407  
landuse enclosure   408  
landuse roller_coaster   409  
landuse allotments   410  
landuse generator   411  
landuse maze   412  
landuse hanami   413  
landuse amusement_ride   414  
landuse picnic_site   415  
landuse crane   416  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
landuse embankment   417  
transit halt   418  
transit stop   419  
transit tram_stop   420  
pois accountant   421  
pois administrative   422  
pois advertising_agency   423  
pois ambulatory_care   424  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois architect   425  
pois art   426  
pois association   427  
pois aviary   428  
pois baby_hatch   429  
pois bakery   430  
pois beauty   431  
pois bed_and_breakfast   432  
pois blood   433  
pois blood_bank   434  
pois books   435  
pois butcher   436  
pois car   437  
pois carousel   438  
pois chalet   439  
pois childcare   440  
pois chiropractor   441  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois clinic   442  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois clothes   443  
pois company   444  
pois computer   445  
pois consulting   446  
pois convenience   447  
pois craft   448  
pois dentist   449  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois dispensary   450  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois doctors   451  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois educational_institution   452  
pois employment_agency   453  
pois estate_agent   454  
pois fashion   455  
pois financial   456  
pois florist   457  
pois foundation   458  
pois gift   459  
pois government   460  
pois greengrocer   461  
pois grocery   462  
pois guest_house   463  
pois hairdresser   464  
pois healthcare_centre   465  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois hifi   466  
pois hospice   467  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois hostel   468  
pois jewelry   469  
pois karaoke   470  
pois lawyer   471  
pois midwife   472  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois mobile_phone   473  
pois motorcycle   474  
pois newsagent   475  
pois newspaper   476  
pois ngo   477  
pois notary   478  
pois optician   479  
pois paediatrics   480 inserted
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois optometrist_paediatrics   480  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois perfumery   481  
pois petting_zoo   482  
pois physician   483  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois physiotherapist_physiotherapy   484  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois physiotherapist   484 inserted
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois playground   485  
pois psychotherapist   486 inserted
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois podiatrist   486 inserted
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois political_party   487  
pois rehabilitation   488  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois religion   489  
pois research   490  
pois sanitary_dump_station   491  
pois scuba_diving   492  
pois snowmobile   493  
pois social_facility   494  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois speech_therapist   494 inserted
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois speech   495  
pois stationery   496  
pois studio   497  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois tax_advisor   498  
pois telecommunication   499  
pois therapist   500  
pois tobacco   501  
pois travel_agency   502  
pois travel_agent   503  
pois wildlife_park   504  
transit station   505  
transit stop_area   506  
transit platform   507  
buildings building   508  
      200 gap reserve for kind_details
pois atv   509  
pois bicycle_rental_station   510  
pois boat_storage   511  
pois bookmaker   512  
pois bureau_de_change   513  
pois car_parts   514  
pois donation   515  
pois hanami   516  
pois healthcare_alternative   517  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois it   518  
pois midwife_occupational   519  
pois occupational_therapist   519 inserted
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois money_transfer   520  
pois roller_coaster   521  
pois amusement_ride   522  
pois animal   523  
pois artwork   524  
pois attraction   525  
pois bicycle_parking   526  
pois car_repair   527  
pois healthcare_laboratory   528  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois insurance   529  
pois car_wash   530  
pois subway_entrance   531  
pois gambling   532  
pois office   533  
pois car_sharing   534  
pois charging_station   535  
pois enclosure   536  
pois lottery   537  
pois ship_chandler   538  
pois slipway   539  
pois summer_toboggan   540  
pois industrial   541  
pois shop   542  
pois slaughterhouse   543  
pois stone   544  
pois trail_riding_station   545  
pois turning_circle   546  
pois turning_loop   547  
pois water_slide   548  
pois water_well   549  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois defibrillator   550  
pois elevator   551  
pois emergency_phone   552  
pois fitness_station   553  
pois hunting_stand   554  
pois karaoke_box   555  
pois lifeguard_tower   556  
pois mast   557  
pois maze   558  
pois memorial   559  
pois mooring   560  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
pois motorcycle_parking   561  
pois petroleum_well   562  
pois platform   563  
pois pylon   564  
pois rock   565  
earth earth   566  
landuse apron   567  
landuse substation   568  
landuse summer_toboggan   569  
landuse plant   570  
landuse pitch   571  
landuse animal   572  
landuse artwork   573  
landuse carousel   574  
landuse water_slide   575  
landuse parking   576  
water fountain   577  
water ditch   578  
water drain   579  
water swimming_pool   580  
landuse breakwater   581  
landuse cutline   582  
landuse hedge   583  
landuse tree_row   584  
landuse retaining_wall   585  
landuse snow_fence   586  
landuse fence   587  
      50 gap reserve for kind_details
landuse wall   588  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
landuse power_minor_line   589  
landuse power_line   590  
transit bus_stop   591  
buildings building_part   592  
      50 gap reserve for kind_details
pois atm   593  
pois bus_stop   594  
pois firepit   595  
pois life_ring   596  
pois picnic_table   597  
pois shower   598  
pois taxi   599  
pois telephone   600  
pois toilets   601  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
pois waste_disposal   602  
pois bbq   603  
pois bicycle_repair_station   604  
pois cycle_barrier   605  
pois drinking_water   606  
pois phone   607  
buildings address   608  
pois bench   609  
buildings entrance   610  
      20 gap reserve for kind_details
buildings exit   611  
      10 gap reserve for kind_details
pois fire_hydrant   612  
pois gas_canister   613  
pois level_crossing   614  
pois love_hotel   615  
pois post_box   616  
pois power_pole   617  
pois street_lamp   618  
pois traffic_signals   619  
pois waste_basket   620  
pois water_point   621  
pois watering_place   622  
      catchall in case we missing adding kind later
tallytalwar commented 5 years ago

Just confirming: https://github.com/tilezen/vector-datasource/issues/988#issuecomment-453301208

JS supports functions for priority for both text and point styles right?

bcamper commented 5 years ago


On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 8:09 PM Varun notifications@github.com wrote:

Just confirming:

988 (comment)


JS supports functions for priority for both text and point styles right?

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned.

Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/tilezen/vector-datasource/issues/988#issuecomment-455734593, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AABBXYd2ZUhsa-Lmu_M1lnt9Ldq5WC23ks5vEnBJgaJpZM4JsNQZ .

nvkelso commented 5 years ago

We need to add in the population ranks for places layer locality, country, region and then this can be considered finished. Otherwise it's hard to mix in server side and client side collision orders.

See: https://github.com/tilezen/vector-datasource/issues/988#issuecomment-453262892 for population breaks.

While the min_zoom values (and server filtering) we have are mostly doing the right thing, there are some zooms, especially where we first switch over to OSM and when we add a lot of new OSM features that it wigs out a bit. Zoom 8 and 9 and 10 seem especially problematic.

Here we don't see Los Angeles label (which does label in previous and next zooms), and is a regression over v1.6 with client-side population graded priority ranks.


In the case of San Jose south of San Francisco it seems to also be because we're not carrying the NE min_zoom onto the OSM feature, which means park labels then push what was visible out of the way.


nvkelso commented 5 years ago

QA verified, looks so much better :)

I also see the new population_rank on countries, regions, and localities FTW.

LA now:


SF now:








bcamper commented 5 years ago


On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 7:31 PM Nathaniel V. KELSO notifications@github.com wrote:

QA verified, looks so much better :)

I also see the new population_rank on countries, regions, and localities FTW.

LA now:

[image: image] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/853051/52753515-c145c900-2fab-11e9-889e-dd077bcc1103.png

SF now:

[image: image] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/853051/52753459-90fe2a80-2fab-11e9-9631-6fc240f06905.png


[image: image] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/853051/52753538-e4707880-2fab-11e9-97a7-c38d3655f353.png


[image: image] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/853051/52753552-f81bdf00-2fab-11e9-92be-3f93dd7bc6bd.png


[image: image] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/853051/52753575-0cf87280-2fac-11e9-8286-cbd769b203dc.png

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/tilezen/vector-datasource/issues/988#issuecomment-463433479, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AABBXQy7gw-yNowws1lybQdjqnbIRXEcks5vNK3wgaJpZM4JsNQZ .