till213 / SkyDolly

Sky Dolly connects with Flight Simulator 2020 and records the flight path and basic instruments for replay.
MIT License
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Lights don't work on AI aircraft #88

Closed scondas closed 1 year ago

scondas commented 1 year ago

I am using 0.15.0 and I do not see the lights I requested on formation aircraft. My test case is A320 as both the user aircraft and AI formation aircraft. The lights turn back on if I make a formation aircraft my user aircraft. Thanks for investigating.

till213 commented 1 year ago

There is probably not much to investigate: most simulation variables are in fact simply "ignored" by AI aircraft. In fact, I used to send the light data as "bitfield" (simulation variable "Light States") to AI aircraft (and since 0.14 as individual light on/off simulation variables such as "LIGHT STROBE" etc. to AI aircraft and "events" to the "user aircraft"). But whether the AI aircraft is reacting to this "simulation variable" is out of my control.

I will keep this open and verify - but again, don't hold your breath ;)

scondas commented 1 year ago

I have found other MSFS models for which the lights do work, so I concur this is not a Sky Dolly issue. Closing this bug.

till213 commented 1 year ago

Just as a timely coincidence, I just stumbled over:


There seem to be indeed some (third-party) AI aircraft that are "left in the dark", specifically when created with SimConnect_AICreateNonATCAircraft. That happens to be the exact same SimConnnect API function that Sky Dolly calls as well when creating AI aircraft (-> "formation flight").

This function spawns an "AI aircraft", but one that is "not controlled by ATC" (that is, one that doesn't follow a pre-defined flight plan), but instead "controlled by whatever means" (= by the "application").

So there seems indeed to be an issue with "non-ATC AI aircraft and lights" - at least for some aircraft.