tillkruss / Nginx-FastCGI-Cache

A WordPress plugin that purges Nginx cache zones.
48 stars 25 forks source link

How to best set 'nginx_cache_path' and 'nginx_auto_purge' programatically? #21

Closed michacassola closed 3 months ago

michacassola commented 3 years ago

I tried adding add_option('nginx_cache_path', '/run/nginx-cache'); in several places, but could not add that option. Also setting 'nginx_auto_purge' to '1' automatically would be cool.

I'd really like to automate this and have little to no knowledge of PHP. Any help will be appreciated!

tillkruss commented 3 years ago

Hey @michacassola! I don't really maintain this plugin any longer. If you want to submit a PR with modifications, I'm happy to tag a new release on wp.org.

hsntgm commented 3 months ago

@tillkruss @michacassola I developed a new free plugin that v2.0.1 is stable now that address the manage Nginx FastCGI Cache Purge and Preload on wordpress. I used more direct/easy approach maybe it helps to community.

michacassola commented 3 months ago

Very nice, but I am on the way to ditch nginx and redis for openlitespeed behind openresty (for IP blocking with crowdsec). I am changing my whole stack. Even the packages I do myself and built a native gnu toolchain and universal package manager. https://github.com/unypkg

Thanks for your work on that plugin! 🤩