The Distributed Ontology, Modeling and Specification Language (DOL) - an answer to the OMG RFP OntoIOp. * View the latest version here: * Convenience version with diff to version of August 24: * Homepage of OntoIOp is
In dol:OMSLanguageTranslation the use of "text" in the note suggests that a translation is always between texts (presumably, a coarse-grained syntactic category like Common Logic texts?), rather than between the more fine-grained syntactic "constructs". It would be more clear to either define "dol:Text" and "dol:Construct" or re-use terms that are formally defined, such as dol:Term or dol:Expression.
see 314_use_of_text of the DOL ontology repo.
Text for FTF: We have entierly avoided the use of a term specififying the nature of the result of the translation here.
In dol:OMSLanguageTranslation the use of "text" in the note suggests that a translation is always between texts (presumably, a coarse-grained syntactic category like Common Logic texts?), rather than between the more fine-grained syntactic "constructs". It would be more clear to either define "dol:Text" and "dol:Construct" or re-use terms that are formally defined, such as dol:Term or dol:Expression.
(API4KB team)