tillnagel / unfolding

A library to create interactive maps and geovisualizations in Processing and Java
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Update to Processing 3 final. #119

Open poqudrof opened 9 years ago

poqudrof commented 9 years ago

Added compilation with Maven, and distribution with shell script.

poqudrof commented 2 years ago

Hello, I think the Processing 3 update might be compatible with the latest version of 3 and Processing 4. However the maven scripts are not maintained officially by the Processing community, and the maven support is not official. I will not push processing 4 maven builds, and discourage others to do so. Howover I maintain it for my own use in my Processing branches.

Cheers, Jeremy.

sampottinger commented 1 year ago

Hello friends! I work on Processing 4 and just wanted to pop in. I think this should be compatible with 4.x if there's still interest. Are folks on the thread still interested in moving this forward? I'd love to help get this working!

trackme518 commented 6 months ago

Hi, sorry If I did not get it but is there the 0.9.9 release .jar? That should be compatible with processing 3 at least right? Anyone tested with 4?

tillnagel commented 6 months ago

Did not test it myself, but you can find the 0.9.9. betas at


If you use Eclipse or some other Java IDE use this one http://services.informatik.hs-mannheim.de/~nagel/GDV/unfolding_app_template_with_examples_0.9.92.zip

trackme518 commented 6 months ago

Awesome, I can confirm it works in Processing 4 even with P2D renderer. Thanks again.