tillsteinbach / VWsFriend

VW WeConnect visualization and control
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Data are no more updated #402

Closed lubosramo closed 1 year ago

lubosramo commented 1 year ago

Hello, 2-3 days ago vwsfriend has stopped to update my ID.3 data. So Grafana works, shows historical data, but it shows "Last update from Server 2023-01-19 01:17:48". First I was thinking that it is problem with VW servers as also my Android WeConnect up had the same problem. But now Android app shows updated data (e.g. SoC), also mitch-dc/volkswagen_we_connect_id in my Home Assistant shows updated data. I think that vwsfriend read data from the same API as mitch-dc. I don't know where to find some log files to search for the problem. Any idea?

tillsteinbach commented 1 year ago

Can you try docker-compose logs vwsfriend

lubosramo commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for help with log file.

I think it does not contain any suspicous info. Here are last lines of it - after refresh of vwsfriend Grafana web page:

pi-vwsfriend-1 | 2023-01-21T19:40:06+0000:INFO:_internal: - - [21/Jan/2023 19:40:06] "GET /status/vehicles/WVWZZZE1ZMPXXXXX-status_or_car-badge.png.json HTTP/1.1" 200 - pi-vwsfriend-1 | 2023-01-21T22:17:59+0000:INFO:_internal: - - [21/Jan/2023 22:17:59] "GET /status/vehicles/WVWZZZE1ZMPXXXXX-status_or_car-badge.png.json HTTP/1.1" 200 - pi-vwsfriend-1 | 2023-01-21T22:17:59+0000:INFO:_internal: - - [21/Jan/2023 22:17:59] "GET /status/vehicles/WVWZZZE1ZMPXXXXX-status_or_car-badge.png.json HTTP/1.1" 200 - pi-vwsfriend-1 | 2023-01-21T22:18:04+0000:INFO:_internal: - - [21/Jan/2023 22:18:04] "GET /status/vehicles/WVWZZZE1ZMPXXXXX-status_or_car-badge.png.json HTTP/1.1" 200 - pi-vwsfriend-1 | 2023-01-21T22:19:04+0000:INFO:_internal: - - [21/Jan/2023 22:19:04] "GET /status/vehicles/WVWZZZE1ZMPXXXXX-status_or_car-badge.png.json HTTP/1.1" 200 -

What is strange, that logs show e.g. 22:19:04, but actual time on the server was 23:19:04. But it probably does not relate. vwsfriend has been working several weeks until now, I use Raspberry.

And here is screenshot from Grafana:

The car is stopped in my driveway for 2 days but I dont think that is the problem, as other systems (mitch-dc) has updated info from today. But I can try to drive tomorrow, just to check if it helps.


tillsteinbach commented 1 year ago

Does the log still contain the regular update output? If not I would recommend to restart the container.

lubosramo commented 1 year ago

No, there were no regular updates in log. OK - I did restart the container and now everything seems to be ok. Thank you for the help I will know in a future, what to do.

One question - I am missing data from that 3 days of disconnection. Is it possible somehow to load them into vwsfriend from VW API again?

tillsteinbach commented 1 year ago

No, unfortunately there is no history on the server. That is also why you have to have VWsFriend running 24/7. but you can add data for the past days manually if you like.

tillsteinbach commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately there is not enough data to further track this issue. If it appears again we should have a closer look