tillsteinbach / WeConnect-cli

Commandline Interface to interact with the Volkswagen WeConnect Services
MIT License
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Climatisation not working #124

Open klucon2 opened 7 months ago

klucon2 commented 7 months ago

Hi Till,

great job in creating this. I am not an expert in coding, but I did manage to get it running thanks to your good instructions :-).

I started looking for this kind of code because I want to be able to trigger the auxiliary heating (Standheizung) from outside the app. Ideally I would like to be able to us an iOS shortcut action to trigger this, but for now I am happy if I get it up and running using my computer.

I have a Tiguan from 2019 (Model 2020).

When I want to start the climatisation I get the following error:

python3 weconnect-cli --username ..............@gmail.com --password ................ -s **** set /vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW......./controls/climatisation start id /vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW....../controls/climatisation cannot be set: Could not control climatisation (Not Found - Upstream service responded with an unexpected status. If the problem persists, please contact our support. - Please retry in a moment)

Using the Volkswagen App I am able to start the auxiliary heating.

Is there anything you can do to make this work or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you in advance.

tillsteinbach commented 7 months ago

controls for auxiliary heating are in auxiliaryHeating and not climatisation

tillsteinbach commented 7 months ago

You can send start or a number representing minutes.

and you have to add the —spin for the auxiliary heating

klucon2 commented 7 months ago

Hi Till,

so the correct command would be "--username ..............@gmail.com --password ................ --spin #### set /vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW......./controls/auxiliaryHeating start" correct?

How does the minute argument work?

"--username ..............@gmail.com --password ................ --spin #### set /vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW......./controls/auxiliaryHeating 10" -> does that mean the heating will go on for 10 minutes and then turn off?

Thank you for your support :-)

klucon2 commented 7 months ago

I just tried: "[...] set /vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW3...../controls/auxiliaryHeating start" and got the response: id /vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW3...../controls/auxiliaryHeating not found

klucon2 commented 7 months ago

also tried "[...]/auxiliaryheating start" but get the same response

tillsteinbach commented 7 months ago

Try to use the list -s command to see what is available.

klucon2 commented 7 months ago

Hi Till,

it shows me this list:

/vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW....../controls/access /vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW....../controls/climatisation /vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW....../controls/honkAndFlash /vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW....../controls/wakeup /controls/spin

klucon2 commented 7 months ago

Hi Till,

any alternative suggestions I could try?


tillsteinbach commented 7 months ago

I have a suspicion. Can you have a look if the controls appear after you configured a timer for the auxiliary heating?

klucon2 commented 7 months ago

Hi Till,

sorry for maybe a stupid question: Do you mean with timer the departure time or how long the heater is supposed to run? Should I set the timer in the car or using the Volkswagen App? Or using your utility? If so, how would I do that?

And what to you mean with "if the controls appear"? Where are they supposed to appear? Does that referred to the "list -s" command? Sorry 🙈

tillsteinbach commented 7 months ago

No reason to be sorry, my message was cryptic! I meant setting a departure timer in the car. It should be enough to have an entry, it does normale to be enabled. Afterwards there is a chance that a new entry for auxiliary heating might appear in the controls section. The reason is: I only add the controls when I believe the car has auxiliary heating. And I detect that by looking for the Timer Section. If that still does not help I will need to do some changes in the code.

klucon2 commented 7 months ago

Hi Till,

thank you for the explanation. So I set a timer using the volkswagen app for tomorrow morning. then I did the "list -s" command again and got the following response:

2023-12-06T21:01:30+0100:ERROR:/vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW......./domains/vehicleHealthWarnings/warningLights/warningLights/0xA227: warning light icon is not a base64 encoded png /vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW......./controls/access /vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW....../controls/climatisation /vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW....../controls/honkAndFlash /vehicles/WVGZZZ5NZLW......s/wakeup /controls/spin

I don't think the warning light has anything to do with it - at least I hope so^^

tillsteinbach commented 7 months ago

Hmmm, ok then I need to rethink my implementation.

stejoo commented 6 months ago

@klucon2 Perhaps it would be better to not post your full VIN?

@tillsteinbach: I just came across this program and decided to try it. Thanks for putting this out there! :heart:

With regards to this issue. I was under the impression turning on climatisation didn't work for me either. I had this issue open in a browser tab because of it. But it turns out I was simply looking at cached results. So I would like to add a positive experience: Climatisation works for me. Car is a ID.3 Business with the ID.Software 2.4 on it.

Command I issued, same as in the opening post:

weconnect-cli set /vehicles/$VIN/controls/climatisation start

So your current implementation does work for some.

klucon2 commented 5 months ago

Hi Both,

@stejoo thank you.

@tillsteinbach apparently there are differences depending on the models. Do you think you can look into where the difference lies?