tillyninjaspace / sailor_moon

See the front-end deployed link of my React App via AWS Amplify: https://master.d27cizkq724af1.amplifyapp.com
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Back Up Files: GitHub #8

Open tillyninjaspace opened 3 years ago

tillyninjaspace commented 3 years ago

User Story: As a developer, I would like to back up my files in a remote location and also allow others to see my code

Implementation: (Make a copy of the directory first and then use the copy to add the files to the repo so it doesn't destroy the original.)

  1. Create new repo on GitHub and clone by clicking on green 'Code' button
  2. git init on command line in the very directory of my local project
  3. Here are the commands from GitHub to follow: git commit -m "first commit" git branch -M main git remote add origin https://github.com/tillyninjaspace/sailor_moon.git git push -u origin main