tilt-dev / tilt

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Containerized Builds with Tilt #6435

Open sssilver opened 5 days ago

sssilver commented 5 days ago

I'm trying to set up a monorepo with multiple microservices for local development using Tilt, and I’ve hit a few roadblocks with live reloading and syncing that I’m hoping you can help with.

Project setup

Example Dockerfile for a Rust Microservice:

FROM rust:1.81

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y lldb
COPY ./Cargo.toml ./Cargo.lock ./
RUN mkdir -p src && echo "fn main() {}" > src/main.rs && cargo build
COPY ./src ./src

CMD ["cargo", "run"]

The Challenge

While building inside containers is fantastic for keeping the developer's machine clean, I’m running into issues with Tilt’s live reload and syncing features, which seem more geared towards builds happening on the host machine. Here are some of the problems I’ve encountered:

  1. Building Inside the Container with cargo watch: I run cargo watch inside the container to automatically detect source code changes. I use sync() in live_update() to transfer source files into the container. However:
    • Problem 1: If I only sync source files, build artifacts (like Rust’s target/ directory) are generated inside the container, and rust-analyzer on the host machine doesn’t work because it requires access to target/ to provide its code analysis features.
  2. Syncing the target/ Directory: To resolve this, I tried sync()ing the target/ directory back to the host, but:
    • Problem 2: Syncing the target/ directory causes any change in target/ to trigger a live reload, which leads to a continuous loop of rebuilding defeating the purpose of live reloading efficiently.
  3. Mounting target/ with Kubernetes: I could theoretically mount the target/ directory using a Kubernetes volume (hostPath), but:
    • Problem 3: Kubernetes requires an absolute path on the host for mounting, which isn't ideal because I want to keep the setup agnostic of each engineer's specific directory structure on their dev machine.

The Ideal Setup


How can I approach this setup using Tilt to achieve:

Am I thinking about this the wrong way altogether?

Looking forward to your thoughts!

nicks commented 5 days ago

I'd probably try something like:

nicksieger commented 5 days ago

Came to say the same thing. Here's the syncback extension.

sssilver commented 4 days ago

Ah, but syncback says:

creates a manually-triggered local resource to sync files from a Kubernetes container back to your local filesystem

This means that every time the developer makes changes to the source code, once cargo watch inside the container picks up the changes and rebuilds the project, they would still need to manually trigger the syncback via the Tilt UI to sync the target/ directory.

This extra manual step makes syncback impractical for any reasonable workflow.

Is there a workaround for this, or have we hit a dead-end?

nicks commented 3 days ago

Noodling on this a bit. Have you played around at all with Buildkit exporters? https://docs.docker.com/build/exporters/#multiple-exporters

I might try setting it up like this:

what do you think? (Multiple exporters only came out earlier this year and we haven't added native tilt support yet but they might work really well for this use-case)