tiltedphoques / Mod-Compatibility

Contains information about mod compatibility with Tilted Online
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Ordinator #71

Open whereistyco opened 2 years ago

whereistyco commented 2 years ago

Mod information

Mod adds a ton of new perks and stuff, some of them script-heavy.

Download link





Mod seems partially compatible thus far based on my and others experience. Higher you go in the tiers, the more likely spells will not sync/work properly. Seeing reports of crashes when using certain spells as well.

Sumatriptan commented 2 years ago

Things that add or make changes to the world are probably the ones to investigate, like "Wild Shrines", and the crafting perks that upgrade crafting stations. Will try to test these out later if I can.

Reavlus commented 2 years ago

Shrines only show up for the other person if they have the perk too. Workbenches are not synced at all.

RubenD96 commented 2 years ago

A rather strange combination, 3 player team, 1 dwarven cannon, 1 necromancer, placing the cannon crashes the others (same area only) Somehow not an issue with just 1 dwarven cannon player and 1 non necromancer

PapaFenn commented 2 years ago

Making bone warriors with the conjuration tree will have them duplicating and even if you destroy them, they just are invisible and start killing on sight if attacked by accident.

Arkandos commented 2 years ago
Corleone91 commented 1 year ago

Making bone warriors with the conjuration tree will have them duplicating and even if you destroy them, they just are invisible and start killing on sight if attacked by accident.

Did you tested it with combination of other mods or you test this single mod?

Corleone91 commented 1 year ago
  • The Simulacrum spells often crashes other players.
  • Command sometimes glitches out for other players, making enemies that slide around.
  • Conjuration summons that summon other creatures either crash other players or are hostile to them.
  • Conjuration summons count as hostile to other players. (Although I think this is a STR issue) Did you launched it with combination of other mods? I think this is the know issue even without mods. Summonned creatures sometimes attacks other players or be summoned hostile to others.
Spidna commented 4 months ago

We cheated in some high level exp to test things. Rat King and Dwarven Auto-cannon cannot activate at the same time or someone will crash, but they seem to be fine individually. Lion's Arrow, summon bone altar, and many other perks just work fine.

zrisher commented 5 days ago

"False Light," which allows your healing spells to damage living enemies, seems to not work at all if you're not the host.