tiltedphoques / Mod-Compatibility

Contains information about mod compatibility with Tilted Online
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Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition #95

Open jonasschrottenbaum opened 1 year ago

jonasschrottenbaum commented 1 year ago

Mod information

Adds new creatures

Download link




Mod is partially compatible. In general the creatures are synced but it happened several times during a few hours of playing that the other player saw a different creature. If it happens, this creature will have no animations. It just slides around without attacking the other player, so he can kill it without repercussions, but get the loot from the original.

It also happened that a creature was invisible for one player, but so far this has only happened shortly after connecting to the server. Maybe there is an issue with the inital sync if the creature has already spawned in one players world prior to connecting It could also be dependant on who enters an area first.

Owlchemist commented 1 year ago

Maybe this was fixed in 1.2? The problems described sound like random encounters desync that 1.2 addressed.

bobbyroylee commented 1 year ago

Does NOT work. The syncing in 1.2 does NOT fix it. Your teammates will sometimes not see the "Immersive creatures" OR it'll just be different creatures than you see.

Willy-foxie commented 1 year ago

We do see different creatures sometimes without a mod too. Some says, it's coop mod problem. I'd not say that Immersive Creatures raises this bug chance.

KiraMikamy commented 1 year ago

tried but definitevely wont sync proprely, too many creatures mismatch that broke a bit the immersion and we removed

SegwayJesus commented 1 year ago

Anyone else have the issue where it spawns increasingly more goblins during a raid? Im playing with 4 people and it got so bad we had to disable additional spawns.