tiltedphoques / TiltedEvolution

Skyrim and Fallout 4 mod to play online!
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Hircine Dialogue Doesn't Sync #622

Open VENDETTA5 opened 11 months ago

VENDETTA5 commented 11 months ago

Version of Skyrim Together



In the quest Ill Met by Moonlight Hircine aspect dialogue doesn't sync. The second player cannot hear the dialogue going nor read the subtitles at all.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start the game 2.Go to Falkreath Barracks and start the quest normally talking to the guy in the cage 3.Kill the 'Great Beast' in COOP normally(Multiboxing will do just fine). 4.Start the dialogue. 5.PROFIT?

Doing this part of the quest is basically a 5-10 minutes job.

Reproduction rate

Expected result

I think the issue is that the voice source isn't the deer ghost actor but some other thing. I had the same issue with a modded riekling follower mod, which also had Hircine aspect dialogue.


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absol89 commented 3 months ago

I tried a fix for this to always move the talking activator to the ghost, even if it wasn't the Game.Getplayer() activating

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
    ObjectReference pTalkingActivator = QuestingBeastTA.GetReference()
    ObjectReference pGhost = Self.GetRef()
    ObjectReference pPlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()
;   if (akActivator == Game.GetPlayer())
        ;Find out where we moved the ghost, then offset the Talking Activator's position by that much, plus some addition Y offset to get near the head
        GhostXPos = pGhost.GetPositionX()
        GhostYPos = pGhost.GetPositionY() 
        GhostZPos = pGhost.GetPositionZ() + 150
        pTalkingActivator.SetPosition(GhostXPos, GhostYPos , GhostZPos )
        QuestingBeastTA.GetReference().Activate(pPlayerRef) ; Here I try the pPlayerRef instead of the akActivator to no avail
;   endif

But the divine/daedric voice dialogues are not played from a world position/affected by voice volume, they are just audio files that play non-directionally in your head, and are only affected by the Master Volume slider. It happens to other similar quests like when talking to the Clavicus Vile statue, Meridia or Peryite. Even with the change above the remote player need to talk to the ghost to hear any voice. But the TA is at least at the ghost position when this happens.