final StatsDClient statsd = new NonBlockingStatsDClient("my.prefix", "localhost", 8130);statsd.recordGaugeValue("java_gauge_1", 2100);
I set up a UDP listener on port 8130 of my localhost and I don't see any packets coming through when I run this code. I know the UDP listener is working because I was able to use libraries that extend this one for Datadog and I saw packets coming through. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here.
I'm using code similar to the example usage:
import com.timgroup.statsd.StatsDClient;
import com.timgroup.statsd.NonBlockingStatsDClient;
final StatsDClient statsd = new NonBlockingStatsDClient("my.prefix", "localhost", 8130);
statsd.recordGaugeValue("java_gauge_1", 2100);
I set up a UDP listener on port 8130 of my localhost and I don't see any packets coming through when I run this code. I know the UDP listener is working because I was able to use libraries that extend this one for Datadog and I saw packets coming through. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here.