tim-group / java-statsd-client

a java statsd client library
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Delete ":" from metric names to allow statsd server insert them #46

Open odin-delrio opened 7 years ago

odin-delrio commented 7 years ago

Copy of https://github.com/DataDog/java-dogstatsd-client/issues/27

I don't know if this repository is accepting issues/PRs, but just in case...


Hi all!

I'm currently using statsd to automatically record all the metrics provided by some spring boot application. In my case, spring is creating some metrics with ":" in the name (for some hystrix with feign stats), and these ones are skipped by the statsd server (https://github.com/etsy/statsd).

That implementation allow to insert multiple metric types to the same metric:

$ echo "xxx:1|c:3|g" | nc -u -w0 8125 && echo "counters" | nc localhost 8126 && echo "gauges" | nc localhost 8126

Produces this output:

{ 'statsd.bad_lines_seen': 0,
  'statsd.packets_received': 1,
  'statsd.metrics_received': 1,
  xxx: 1 }

{ xxx: 3 }

This (undocumented) statsd feature does not allow me to make a PR to statsd repository... So, That's why I'm here, would be acceptable to make you a PR (or request for the change) to simply delete the ":" in the metric names?

The statsd server is already deleting some characters from metric name: https://github.com/etsy/statsd/blob/master/stats.js#L170